How To Create An Off Cycle Bill Generator

An off cycle bill generator is used to create an off cycle bill for an account. You control the financial transactions that are linked to the bill. To create a bill using the base off cycle bill generator business object, follow these steps:

  • With an account in context, select Account Context Menu > Go To Off Cycle Bill Generator +. (See context menu for more information about Context Menus.) This will transfer you to this portal with the respective account populated.
  • Select the adjustments, billable charges and/or service agreements that you wish to include in the bill.
  • Enter the required bill information to be used when creating the bill; this includes the Cutoff Date, Accounting Date, Allow Estimates switch, Billing Option and Bill Date.
  • Click the save button.
  • Click the Complete button to transition the off cycle bill generator to the complete state and create the bill. Any errors encountered while attempting to create the bill will be captured in the off cycle bill generator's log.
  • Refer to Off Cycle Bill Generator for more information.