A/R Transfer - Technical Implementation


This section describes, technically, how a customer's A/R balance is transferred to a They Bill For Us service provider. If you aren't technically inclined, skip this section.

The following illustration shows the logical steps involved with the transference of a customer's A/R balance to a They Bill For Us service provider.

In transfering a customer's account receivable balance to a "They Bill For Us service" provider, the application runs the bill completion algoriths defined on the SA Types of the bill's master service agreements. One of the algorithms determines if a "They Bill For Us" service provider is associated with each master service agreement on the bill. If an associated "They Bill For Us" service provider exists, the application runs the Transfer A/R algorithm defined on the service provider's record, which creates a transfer adjustment.

The following points explain the steps:

  • When a bill is completed, the system executes the bill completion algorithms defined on the bill's master SA(s) SA types.
  • If you've set up the system properly (i.e., you've put the appropriate Bill Completion algorithm on the master SA's SA type), one of these algorithms will determine if there is a They Bill For Us service provider associated with each master SA on the bill. If so, it will execute the Transfer A/R algorithm defined on the service provider's record. This algorithm causes a transfer adjustment to be created (transferring the financial transaction's affect on the customer's balance from the customer to the service provider).

If there are multiple master SAs on a bill, the financial details associated with each respective master SA could be transferred to different service providers (e.g., one service provider could receive the financial details for gas and another for electricity). Refer to Different Service Providers Can Bill Different Services for more information.