The Start Service Process and Request

When starting service, the system creates a start service process flow and assigns it a customer service request type. The process flow type (start service process) and customer service request type (start service request type or request type) are determined from the action method with Action Method Role of Start Service. See Action Method for more information about setting up action methods. The customer service (start service) request parent and child business objects are defined on the request type.

The system is delivered with the following objects that are used to start service

  • Customer Service Request Type business object C1-StartServiceRequestType

  • Customer Service Request business object C1-StartServiceRequest

  • Customer Service Request Person business object C1-CustSvcRequestPerson

  • Customer Service Request Account business object C1-CustSvcRequestAccount

  • Customer Service Request Premise business object C1-CustSvcRequestPremise

  • Customer Service Request Start SA business object C1-StartServiceRequestSA

The start service process can be initiated via BPA script (refer to script C1StaActMtdR).

Start Service Process

The start service process contains five steps or panels. The logic that is enabled is defined in the request type. The following overview of the four panels assumes the request type has enabled the described functionality. This is meant to illustrate the full features provided with the start service process. The request type can be configured to accommodate your business rules.

If your organization operates in multiple jurisdictions, it is likely that the Control By CIS Division flag is set on the Installation Record. When set, the premise search is presented before the process flow is started. This is done to get the CIS Division from the premise and pass it to the action method. This is useful when action method is used to associate customer service request types and/or process flow types to specific CIS Divisions.

Move-to Premise. This panel is used to search for the starting premise. This is the first step to ensure that the new or existing customer’s Move-to Premise exists and is in your service territory. In some instances, such as when Control By CIS Division flag is set on the Installation Record, the Move-to Premise is known and is passed into the process flow. In this case, premise is already selected and can't be changed.

Customer Identification. This panel is used to create a new person and/or account or ensure a person’s existing account is eligible for service. If the start service process began without an existing person in context, a person search is provided to ensure the person is in fact not in your system to help prevent creating duplicate person records. If no person is found, the information used to search for the person such as their name, phone number, or ID is used to create a new person. If an existing person is found, the start process then continues as if the person was provided when the process began.

Regardless if an existing person is being used or a new person is being added, the start process determines if a credit or ID check needs to be performed and if it does, performs it. It then checks to see if the person has accounts that are eligible for service. For example, accounts used for bankruptcy or accounts that have been dormant for too long might not be eligible for service. A control determines if a new account can be created even if an existing account is eligible for service. This is useful to prevent duplicate accounts for the same person, unless your business rules allow it. The start process then uses the previous information to determine if a deposit is required. For more information, please see Verifying Identity, Checking Credit and Requiring Deposits when Starting Service.


When specifying First Name and Last Name, the person's name is formatted as Last Name + <Person Name Separator Character> + First Name, if name separator is being used. Otherwise, person's name is formatted as First Name + <space> + Last Name.

Customer Class must be defined for a new account. The values are restricted to the customer classes defined on the customer service request type. If the Control By CIS Division flag is set on the Installation Record, CIS Division must also be specified. The values are restricted to the user's CIS Division(s). See Users and CIS Division for more information


Default note. CIS Division is defaulted from the premise. If there is no CIS Division defined on the premise, the CIS Division on the customer service request type is used, if it has one. Otherwise, CIS Division is not defaulted. If the CIS Division is configured to ensure the same CIS Division is used on related accounts, premises and service agreements, it can't be changed. Customer Class is defaulted from the Installation Record based on the Person Type (Person or Business). If CIS Division is specified, the Customer Class defaults first from the CIS Division and then from the Installation Record, each based on the Person Type (Person or Business).

Before transitioning to the next panel, this panel interacts with the start service request to create person and account records. When a new person or account is added, their record will exist in the system after this point, even if this process is not completed.

Services to Start. On this panel the services to start are selected. After inputting a start date, the panel displays services to start in three different groupings.

If a deposit is required, the first sections is shown. The start process defaults the deposit service agreement request type, calls the deposit calculation plug-in spot on deposit class, and defaults installments information amounts if configured on the request type. The start process enforces rules pertaining to installment amounts. While not common, additional deposit SAs can be added.

The next section shows the eligible services to start at the premise. This is based on the premise’s SPs. This section is built by calling the algorithm in configured in the Determine Services to Start plug-in spot defined on the request type. It returns the default SA Type(s) for each service point based on the existing or prior service or the initial services defined on the SP Type if this is the first service at this SP. The start SA box is usually checked by default and can be unchecked to start only some of the eligible services at the premise. In rare cases, the start SA box is unchecked by default if some services are on and some services are off at the premise. This is done to replicate the current service at the premise by default. Entries cannot be removed or added to this collection of eligible services to start. Field service notes can be entered for the premise or service point.

The third service section is where additional services such as charity can be started. Additional services can default from the request type or be added. The search is designed to exclude deposit and SP-based services shown in the prior sections.


If the CIS Division is configured to ensure the same CIS Division is used on related accounts, premises and service agreements, only service agreement types for the current CIS Division are defaulted to the panel. Additionally, when manually adding service agreement types, the CIS Division is set to the current CIS Division and can't be changed. The current CIS Division is determined based on the following hierarchy:

  • Account
  • Premise
  • Customer Service Request Type

At the end of the panel, premise attributes such as indicating if life support equipment is at the premise or if there are specific field warnings relevant to the premise.

Person and Account Details. This panel is where all other person and account information is gathered. This includes all person contact information, other names, other person identifies, alternate mailing address, paperless billing enrollment, autopay enrollment and updates, adding other persons on the account, and more.

Review and Submit. This panel provides an opportunity to review the information before submission.

When the start process is finished, a Summary is shown. The start service information is copied to the start service parent and child requests. The start service process is completed, and the start service request takes over.

Start Service Request

The start service request lifecycle is comprised of this logic:
  • The start service request first checks to see if there are pre-requites to starting service. See Introducing Your Business Rule Before Starting or Transferring Service.

  • Once any prerequisites have been completed, the request applies any person and account updates gathered during the start service flow. It then creates the pending start SAs by calling the algorithm plugged into the Process Services to Start plug-in spot on the request type.

  • The request then monitors the pending SAs for activation.

  • Once all services are active, premise updates are applied.

  • The start request is then complete.

Note: For more details, see the start service request business object detailed description.