A Rate Component with a Time Span Comparison

A rate component that is only eligible for senior citizens has the following eligibility rule:

  • Birth date equates to that of a senior citizen

    This rule requires only one eligibility group on the rate component. It would look as follows:



Group Description

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE


Customer Is A Senior Citizen

Apply rate component

Skip rate component

The following criterion is required for this group:

Group 1: Residential, Calif, Senior


Field to Compare

Comparison Method



If Insufficient Data


Main person characteristic: Date of Birth

Algorithm: True if senior

Group is true

Group is false

Group is false

The criterion contains a time span comparison. Time span comparisons are used to compare a date to something. In our example, we have to determine the age of the customer based on their birth date. If the resultant age is > 65, they are considered to be a senior citizen. To pull this off, you can take advantage of a comparison algorithm supplied with the base rate component as described below.

  • Field to Compare. The person characteristic in which the customer's birth date is held is selected.
  • Comparison Method. We chose a comparison algorithm that returns a value of TRUE if the related field value (the customer's date of birth) is greater than 65 years (refer to the RECC-TIMESPN algorithm for an example of this type of algorithm).

You'll notice that if a value of TRUE is returned by the True if senior algorithm, the group is true (and we've setup the group to indicate a true group means the rate component is eligible).


The time span algorithm can be used to compare days, weeks, months, etc. Refer to the RECC-TIMESPN algorithm type for more information about this algorithm.