A Rate Component with Service Type Comparison

Imagine a rate component that is only eligible if the current customer has gas service AND electric service. This rate component would need the following eligibility rules:

  • Customer has gas service, and
  • Customer has electric service

These rules require only one eligibility group on the rate component. It would looks as follows:



Group Description

If Group is TRUE

If Group is FALSE


Has gas service AND electric service

Apply rate component

Skip rate component

The following criteria will be required for this group:

Group 1: Has gas service AND electric service


Field to Compare

Comparison Method



If Insufficient Data


Algorithm: check if customer has gas service


Check next condition

Group is false

Group is false


Algorithm: check if customer has electric service


Group is true

Group is false

Group is false

Both criteria are similar - they call an algorithm that performs a logical comparison. These algorithms are a bit counter intuitive (but understanding them will provide you with another way to implement complex eligibility criteria):

Both criterion works as follows:

  • Field to Compare. We chose a "field to compare" algorithm that checks if the current account has service agreements that belong to a given set of service types. It returns a value of TRUE if the customer has an active service agreement that matches one of the service types in the algorithm. In our example, the "check if customer has gas service" algorithm returns a value of TRUE if the customer has at least one active service agreement whose SA type references the gas service type. The "check if customer has electric service" algorithm is almost identical, only the service type differs. Refer to the RECF-SRVTY and RECF-AUTOPAYalgorithms for examples of this type of algorithm.
  • Comparison Method. We simply compare the value returned by the algorithm to TRUE and indicate the appropriate response.

Bottom line. The "field to compare" algorithm isn't actually returning a specific field's value. Rather, it's returning a value of TRUE or FALSE. This value is, in turn, compared by the "comparison method" and the group is set to true, false or check next accordingly.