How To Set Up Item Type Rate Components

When setting up an Item Type rate component, additional fields become available for you to define.

The following information will help you to set up your Item Type rate components.

Select a Value Type of Unit Rate. This field will be disabled when the rate component is referenced on another rate component.

Refer to Rate Component - Main Information for information about defining the Value Source.

Enter the item's Item Type.

Turn on Error if No Value if a bill error should be generated if the item type specified on the rate component was not supplied at billing time. For example, if every customer using a lamp rate must have at least one 20K lumen mercury vapor lamp and one pole, you'd turn this switch for the lamp and pole rate components.

Enter the verbiage to appear on the customer's bill in Description On Bill and turn on the Print switch. Refer to How to use Description on Bill for more information about these fields.

Move to the GL Distribution window to define how to book moneys associated with this rate component in the general ledger.


Multiple bill lines. Most rate components cause one bill line to appear on a customer's bill. Item type rate components are unusual. If there are effective-dated changes to the customer's items during a bill period, one line will be generated for each time period. For example, if a customer had two lamps installed from 1-Jan to 15-Jan and had four lamps installed from 16-Jan to 31-Jan and the bill is from 1-Jan to 31-Jan, two lines will appear on the customer's bill - one for each period.