What Is A Workflow Process?

A workflow process is difficult to define because its flexible design can be used to automate many different types of multi-event processes. For example,

  • You can use a workflow process to manage the events associated with the inspection of a new premise.
  • You can use a workflow process to manage the events that transpire in a deregulated market when a customer wants to switch energy service providers.
  • You can use a workflow process to notify interested parties when something about a customer changes. For example, if a customer changes their phone number, a workflow process can send notifications to the customer's various service providers.

The following is an illustration of a workflow process that could be used to process a request from an energy service provider to switch a customer's electric supplier on a specified date.


Bottom line: A workflow process contains one or more workflow events. Each event is activated on its respective trigger date. When an event is activated, the system executes the activation algorithm associated with the event's event type. It's up to you to define exactly what algorithms should be associated with your workflow event types. Refer to Designing Workflow Event Types for sample events.