Bill Segment - Bill Segment Messages

The Messages page is a grid containing one row for every message that appears on the bill segment. Open Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search and navigate to the Bill Segment Messages page to view this information.


No messages until completion. A bill segment has no messages until it is completed (unless you insert them manually). At completion time, the system assembles messages from the various message sources. Refer to The Source Of Bill Messages for information about these sources.

The bill may also have messages. Be aware that only service agreement-oriented messages are linked to a bill segment. There may also be account-oriented messages linked to the bill. Refer to Bill - Bill Messages for information about the page on which account-oriented messages are displayed. Refer to The Source Of Bill Messages for information about the various message sources and whether each is linked to a bill or a bill segment.

Description of Page

Bill Seg Info is a concatenation of the bill segment's division, SA type, status, bill period and amount. Bill Segment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill segment.

The following columns are displayed in the grid:

  • Msg Code is the code that identifies the bill message.
  • Message On Bill is the message associated with the code.
  • Priority is the bill messages priority (on the printed bill).
  • Insert Code defines if the bill message causes an insert in the envelope.