Stepped Service Quantity

Stepped Service Quantity calculation rules create bill lines that levy charges based on some type of consumption when different prices are applied to different ranges of consumption (for example, the first 50 kWh are $0.43 per kWh, anything in excess of 50 kWh is charged at $0.71 per kWh)

  • Rule Name: Stepped Service Quantity
  • Base Package Calculation Rule Business Object: C1-SteppedSQ
  • Apply Calculation Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: C1-STPD-SQ
  • Rule Parameters:
    • Calculation Details: Details regarding how the calculation rule performs its calculations:
      • Unit of Measure: The UOM used as the service quantity that the price is applied to.
      • Time of Use: The TOU used as the service quantity that the price is applied to.
      • Service Quantity Identifier: The SQI used as the service quantity that the price is applied to.
      • Error If No Value: A flag that indicates (Yes or No) if a bill error should be generated if the UOM/TOU/SQI specified on the rule was not supplied at billing time.
      • Measures Peak: Indicates (Yes or No) if the UOM/TOU/SQI specified for the rule is used to measure peak (demand) values.
      • GL Statistical Qty: A flag that specifies (Yes or No) if GL journal lines generated for this calculation rule should also contain the service quantity amount as a statistical quantity. You would use this option if you keep track of both dollar amounts and consumption units in your general ledger.
      • Create Step Summary: Stepped service quantity calculation rules may be configured with either a single step or multiple steps. The Create Step Summary flag is used to produce a summary bill segment calculation line if the calculation rule has multiple steps. Valid options include:
        • Summarize Step Lines, Print: Creates a stepped charge summary bill line that will appear on the customer's bill.
        • Summarize Step Lines, Do Not Print: Creates a stepped charge summary bill line that will be shown on Bill Segment - Calculation Details, but not appear on the customer's bill.
    • Step Calculation Details:
      • Seasonal: See Common Parameters.
      • Step Multiplier Algorithm: Specifies the algorithm that will be used calculate the step boundaries. Used only if step boundaries are dynamic and are calculated based on something that's only known at billing time.
      • Values: Defines the values associated with each of the ranges (steps) of consumption used by the rule. For example, if the charge is applicable to the first 300 kilowatt-hours, you would enter Step Start 0 and Step End 300. When multiple tiers exist, the Step End of the first tier is the Step Start of the second tier (and so on). To extend our example, the second tier would have a Step Start of 300; the Step End may be left blank (the system assumes a blank Step End means "to infinity"). When defining negative steps, the Step Start value must be higher than the Step End. For example, if a step ranged from -200 to -400, -200 is a higher value than -400 so the Step Start would be -200 and the Step End would be -400.
        • Sqeuence: Used by the rule (along with the Step Start and Step End) to order the evaluation of the billable service quantity against the tier. This is particularly important and should be set properly for negative steps which must be configured from high to low.
        • Step Start: Defines the start value for the consumption range. This field supports values of up to 14 digits and 4 decimal places (e.g. a maximum value of 99,999,999,999,999.9999).

          You can indicate that the Step Start of a bill line should be substituted into the bill line's description by using the %L substitution variable in the calculation rule's Description On Bill field.

        • Step End: Defines the end value for the consumption range. This field supports values of up to 14 digits and 4 decimal places (e.g. a maximum value of 99,999,999,999,999.9999).

          You can indicate that the Step End of a bill line should be substituted into the bill line's description by using the %H substitution variable in the calculation rule's Description On Bill field.

        • Value Type: Defines the type of price to be applied to the consumption range in the rule's calculations. Valid options include Charge, or Unit Rate.
        • Value Source: Defines the source of the price to be applied to the consumption range in the rule's calculations. Depending on the source selected, this will be a Bill Factor, Value, or Algorithm.
        • Value/Bill Factor/Algorithm: Specifies the Bill Factor, Value, or Algorithm used when calculating charges for the consumption range.
  • Example: This calculation rule calculates charges for electric service based on stepped charges for kWh consumption during the Fall

    Calculation Group: Electric Residential - Stepped

    Calculation Rule: KWHSTFL

    Sequence: 10

    Description: Fall kWh Stepped Charges

    Description On Bill: Usage %Q kWh at %I per kWh %F

    Print: Yes

    Print if Zero: No

    Rounding Type: Nearest

    Precision: 0.01000

    FCPO: No

    Override Proration: No

    Calculation Details:

    • Unit of Measure: Kilowatt hour
    • Error If No Value: No
    • Measures Peak: No
    • GL Statistical Qty: Yes
    • Create Step Summary: Create Summary, Do Not Print

      Step Calculation Details:

    • Seasonal: Yes
    • Seasonal Prorate Method: Accounting Date
    • Season Start: 09-01
    • Season End: 11-30
    • Value 1:
      • Low Value: 0
      • High Value: 300
      • Value Type: Unit Rate
      • Value Source: Value
      • Value / Bill Factor / Algorithm: 0.0485
    • Value 2:
      • Low Value: 300
      • High Value: [blank]
      • Value Type: Unit Rate
      • Value Source: Value
      • Value / Bill Factor / Algorithm: 0.0564

        GL Distribution:

    • Distribution Source Code: Specific Distribution Code
    • Distribution Code: Revenue - Electric - Residential

      Cross Reference:

    • Member Category (Category Type / Value): Revenue / Consumption Charge