Understanding Interval Price Set Types

Interval price set types define properties belonging to a class of interval price sets.

Interval price set types are defined by the following:

  • Service Type: The service type to which interval price sets and interval prices based on this type will be applied

  • Interval Size: The size of the intervals for interval prices based on this type, represented as hours:minutes:seconds (HH:MI:SS).

  • UOM: The unit of measure used to define interval price sets and interval prices based on this type

  • TOU: The time of use period used to define interval price sets and interval prices based on this type

  • SQI: The service quantity identifier used to define interval price sets and interval prices based on this type 

  • Short-Hand Description: A short-hand description used for interval price sets of this type

System Data

Interval Price Set Types are based on the following system data:

Data Type


Maintenance Object

Measuring Component Type (D1-MCTYPE)

Business Object(s)

Interval Price Set Type (D1-IntervalPriceType)