Understanding Program Types

Program types define properties belonging to a class of program.

Program types are defined by the following:

  • Program Business Object: The business object used when creating programs of this type.

  • Program Event Business Object: The business object used when creating program events for programs of this type.

  • Event Participation: The business object used when creating event participation records for programs of this type.

  • Dynamic Option Class: The class of program to which programs of this type belong.

  • Time Zone: The time zone associated with programs of this type.

  • Program Category: The category (control group, device control, critical peak pricing, and so on) in which programs of this type belong.

  • Device Required: Flag that indicates (Yes or No) if programs of this type require controllable devices.

  • Location Required Source: Flag that indicates (Yes or No) if programs of this type require a location. Most programs for which a service of some type is performed (such as installation of a device or a home energy assessment) require a location. An example of a program type that does not require a location is a Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) program. Note that some steps such as creation of a device location and device are skipped in enrollment processing for programs based on a type where this is set to "No".

  • Settlement Group Determination: An optional algorithm used to determine the appropriate Event Settlement Calculation Group to use when calculating event settlement transactions for programs of this type. For example, the base package include the Determine Program Usage Group by Date (X1-DETPTUGRP) algorithm, which can specify whether to use an event settlement transaction's Start Date or End Date when determining which calculation group to use.

  • Related Program Type: A list of one or more related program types.

System Data

Program types are based on the system data:

Data Type


Maintenance Object

Dynamic Option Type (D1-DOPTYPE)

Business Object(s)

Program Type (X1-ProgramType)