About Contact Communications

Contact communications are interactions with the customer, most often notes captured during an enrollment or unenrollment process.

Contact communications are defined by the following:

  • Create Date/Time: The date and time the communication was created

  • Contact ID: The contact associated with the communication

  • Communication Channel: The channel used for the communication, such as email or phone. Values for this are defined in the Customer Communication Channel (X1-CustCommChnLookup) extendable lookup.

  • Contact Communication Class: The class of the communication, such as enrollment, unenrollment, trouble report, and so on. Each class can have one more associated communication categories. Values for this are defined in the Customer Communication Class (X1-CustCommClassLookup) extendable lookup.

  • Contact Communication Category: The category of the communication, such as written or verbal. Values for this are defined in the Customer Communication Category (X1-CustCommCatLookup) extendable lookup.

  • Metered Service: The metered service associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

  • Metered Service Point ID: The metered service point associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

  • Program ID: The program associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

  • Service Task ID: The service task associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

  • WO Activity: The work order activity associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

  • Field Activity ID: The field activity associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

  • Notes: Notes associated with the communication (from the enrollment or unenrollment service task)

System Data

Contact communications are based on the following system data:

Data Type Description
Maintenance Object Contact Communication (D1-CONTCOMM)
Business Object(s) Customer Program Communications (X1-CustomerComm)