Confirmation Message

The Confirmation Message displays web content to customers who respond to a feedback prompt (such as Customer Feedback) or a question-based module (such as Mini Home Energy Analysis) in an email communication. The content of the Confirmation Message varies depending on which feedback prompt or question is selected. Customers may be thanked for their input, asked a follow up question, or presented with targeted offers that enable deeper personalization in future experiences.

Customers do not need to enter a username or password to view the Confirmation Message. A pre-authenticated link is used to associate the customer's answer with their account and keep a record of the answer.

On this page:


Same as listed in the product-wide requirements. Additional notes:

  • Current or historical energy use data is not required for this feature. The message displayed is based on parameters passed in the URL when a customer clicks on a question or feedback prompt in an email.
  • Some configuration is needed to enable this feature. If you are interested in using it, contact your Delivery Team.


The Confirmation Message is available as an embeddable widget or as part of the standalone Digital Self Service - Energy Management web portal. When using the embeddable widget, there may be some technical limitations about where the message content is hosted. Contact your Delivery Team to discuss the details of your situation.

User Experience

The user experience varies depending on which email module is used to collect a response from the customer, as well as which confirmation user experience is configured for the utility. The available user experiences are:


Customer Feedback Confirmation

The Customer Feedback Confirmation flow is used for customers who respond to a Customer Feedback module in their outbound communication. The version varies depending on which flow has been configured. The URL clicked by the customer includes parameters that determine which version to display.

Thank-You Message Flow

In this experience, customers who respond to the Customer Feedback module in a communication are taken to a simple thank-you message.

Diagram illustrating the thank-you message flow.

A button is included below the thank-you message to take the customer to the login page for their account. If the utility is using the standalone web portal, then clicking the button redirects customers to the Welcome page. If the utility is using embeddable widgets, then clicking the button redirects customers to a utility-hosted account login page.

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Open-Ended Feedback Flow

In this experience, customers who respond to the Customer Feedback module in a communication are taken to an open-ended feedback form where they can enter a detailed description. This information informs future product decisions and improvements.

Screenshot of open-ended feedback form.

A button below the form allows customers to submit their feedback. A disclaimer message is also included below the form to warn customers not to include any personal information, such as a phone number or email address. The disclaimer message can include a link for customers who wish to sign in to their account.

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Mini HEA Confirmation

The HEA Confirmation flow is used for customers who respond to Home Energy Analysis (HEA) questions in an email module (such as in the Mini Home Energy Analysis module). The version varies depending on which flow has been configured. The URL clicked by the customer includes parameters that determine which version to display.

Link to Full Survey Flow

In this experience, customers are directed from a HEA question in an outbound communication to a confirmation page that prompts them to take the full HEA survey.

Diagram illustrating the link to full survey flow.

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Targeted Offer Flow

In this experience, customers are redirected from a HEA question in an outbound communication to a confirmation page that presents targeted promotions or recommendations. The confirmation message thanks customers for their response and presents a promotion depending on the customer's answer.

Diagram illustrating the targeted offer flow.

The promotional content can include copy, illustrations, and links to utility-hosted pages containing resources and functionality on how to engage with the promotion. To offer this experience to customers, utilities must coordinate with their Oracle Utilities Delivery Team to design and configure the promotional content.

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Follow-Up Question Flow

In this experience, customers are redirected to a confirmation page that presents a follow-up question. For example, if customers confirm that they own an electric vehicle, they are directed to a confirmation page that thanks them for their response and presents a follow-up question regarding the type of charger they use. After confirming their charger type, they are shown another confirmation message that thanks them again and prompts them to complete the full HEA survey.

Diagram illustrating the follow-up question flow.

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