Rate Comparison

The Rate Comparison feature allows customers to see an overview of rate plans for which they are eligible, estimated cost information, and details about each rate plan option. Customers can compare rate plans in terms of estimated annual costs and quickly identify their cheapest rate. Further rate analysis is available through additional rate details and the ability to perform what-if scenarios representing energy use choices the customer can make.

Rate Comparison tool, which compares available rate plans for a customer.

The following components are included within the Rate Comparison feature:

  • Rate Comparison: Allows customers to see a comparison of their eligible rate plans.
  • Rate Details: Allows customers to view additional information on their eligible rate plans.
  • Rate Simulator: Allows customers to simulate how their energy costs may be reduced under other eligible rate plans if they make changes to their energy use habits.

Data Requirements and Limitations

  • The customer must be billed monthly.
  • Daily or sub-daily AMI data is required.
  • By default, the customer must have at least 9 months of billing data available.
  • By default, the customer must have at least 270 days of AMI data available, and a minimum of 75% of AMI reads from this period must be available.
  • Customers are only presented with rate plans for which they are eligible. This ensures that the information is relevant to the customer.

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