Announcement Introduction

The Announcement Introduction module appears at the top of the Welcome and Announcement Report. The goal of this module is to identify the report type as part of the customer's Home Energy Report experience and prepare the customer for what they will see in the report.

Appears in: Welcome and Announcement Report

The design varies, depending on whether the module is included in the Welcome Report or the Announcement Report.

This image shows an example of the module's design for a Welcome Report experience.

Image of an example of the module's design for a Welcome Report experience.

Report Type Label: The label "Your First Home Energy Report" appears at the top of the report header and explains what the piece of mail is and identifies it as part of the Home Energy Report Series. See the Header to learn more about the header module that appears at the top of the front page of every report.

Intro Message: A short welcome message appears at the top of the report encouraging the customer to get excited about their new report experience.

Announcement Report

This image shows an example of the module's design for a customer that receives an Announcement Report.

Image of an example of the module's design for a customer that receives an Announcement Report.

  • Report Type Label: A custom label appears at the top of the report header and identifies the announcement as part of the Home Energy Report Series.
  • Intro message: A short, customized message places the announcement type in context.

Requirements and Limitations

Fuel: Electric-only, gas-only, dual fuel.

AMI Data Required: N/A

Data History:

  • A minimum of six bills is required for Non-AMI customers.
  • A minimum of 60 days of AMI reads for AMI customers.

Billing Frequency: Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.

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