Preserving Customer Changes

For any kind of a customer modification, the file's directory structure and naming conventions are defined in this section. The implementation team must follow these conventions to preserve the results of their work during a subsequent base product upgrade.

  • The configuration parameters of the environment being upgraded are displayed (as default parameters) during the configuration stage of the install process. These parameters may be changed if new settings are preferred.
  • The base product is shipped with examples of different kinds of modules that may be used by implementation teams. The examples can be found in the following directories:
    • $SPLEBASE/splapp/applications/root/cm_​templates contains Oracle Utilities Application Framework Web file examples.
    • $SPLEBASE/splapp/applications/root/<application product code>/cm_​templates. This directory contains Oracle Utilities application product Web file examples. The <application product code> varies by product; for example, the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, the <application product code> is c1.
    • $SPLEBASE/scripts/cm_​examples. For batch script examples, this directory has two subdirectories: FW for Oracle Utilities Application Framework examples, and <application product code> for Oracle Utilities application product examples (e.g., CCB for Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, TAX for Oracle Public Sector Revenue Management).
Note: For simplicity, this document generally uses UNIX platform naming conventions. To apply these names to the Windows platform, use the Windows naming conventions "%" sign instead of the "$" sign, and backslashes ("\") instead of forward slashes ("/") as directory separators (e.g., %SPLEBASE%\splapp\applications\root\cm_​templates).