Generated Tab Menu Metadata

The following entity relationship diagram describes the metadata related to generated tab menus.

Generated Tab Menu metadata diagram

Generated Tab Menu Metadata ERD

Note: The tab menu is represented by program component in the ERD above.

Every framework user interface (UI) transaction has a tab menu, which links together the different tab pages that are available on the transaction.

The Software Development Kit generator creates the tab menu using a specific template that is defined in the template meta-data. The tab menu's template is maintained from the UI Program Components Object View.

The generated tab menu resides in a certain physical directory in the server's file system. Location, the abstract name that represents the actual location of the tab menu, is entered in the UI Program Components Object View. The actual location information and the abstract name are maintained from the Locations Object View.

Tab menus may have one or more program variables that control its behavior and/or appearance. These variables are maintained from the Program Variable Collection of the UI Program Components Object View.

Tab menus also have one or more program tabs, which specify the labels and sequence of the tab pages in the transaction. These tabs are maintained from the Tab Menu Tabs Collection of the UI Program Components Object View.

The use of each tab may be restricted, based on the license key, as specified in tab module. This information is maintained from the Tab Module Collection of the Tab Menu Tabs Collection.