Table-Related Metadata

Table Meta-data entity relationship diagram

Table Metadata ERD

Table information is used for various purposes. Table information is stored in metadata. This includes which fields are on the table (table field) and business rules for the fields. Constraints define the keys of tables. Constraints also define relationships between tables. Constraint fields specify the fields involved in the keys or relationships between tables.


The framework product is available worldwide. This means that the product must be able to display information in many languages.

Some field and table information is language-dependent. Table, table / field and field all have child language tables that hold descriptions specific to each supported language. When field information is retrieved, the system returns not only the base field information, but also the descriptions associated with the user's language.

This process is also used for labels (fields with Work Switch set to Y). When a label is needed by the system, the work field information is obtained and the description (from the language table) is displayed on the UI.

Note: Developers should not use plain text on the UI. All labels should be defined as work fields so that the system will recognize the field and obtain the correct, language-based description to display.