Lookup Naming Guidelines

Here are guidelines for naming Lookups (on the Lookup Field maintenance):

  • Be specific. The name MUST be unique across all lookups.
  • Do not include a final standard suffix Flag or Lookup (The suffix Lookup is automatically added by the generator to the classes generated for each Lookup field.)


  • WO_​STATUS_​FLG -> writeOffStatus
  • STM_​RTG_​METH_​FLG -> statementRoutingMethod

Here are guidelines for naming Lookups Value properties (on Lookup Value maintenance):

  • Try to word the name in a way that makes sense when prepended by is, and is also valid when standing alone as a constant. For example, {isComplete, COMPLETE}, {isFrozen, FROZEN}.
  • The name might match the English description of the lookup value.


  • HOW_​TO_​USE_​FLG : - -> subtractive
  • ITEM_​STATUS_​FLG : A -> active
  • DGRP_​PRIO_​FLG : 10 -> highest10
  • DGRP_​PRIO_​FLG : 20 -> priority20