External File Storage
The system supports using Oracle Cloud Object Storage for managing files in cloud implementations and can be configured to read files from or write files to this external location. Refer to Oracle Cloud Object Storage documentation for more information about obtaining an account and defining appropriate file locations or "buckets".
Once your cloud storage information is defined, the following points highlight the configuration steps required in the application.
Define a signature key ring. When the system tries to communicate with cloud object storage, it must provide a signature key so that cloud storage can confirm that the request is from a trusted source.
Navigate to Key Ring in add mode and select the Signature Key Ring business object.
Define a key ring code, which will be used in the File Storage configuration (below) along with a description.
Once the key ring is added, click Generate Key to generate a private / public key pair.
Click View Public Key to launch a pop-up that displays the public key, allowing the user to copy the key.
At this point, the user should navigate to cloud object storage and register the public key. Once this is done, the key ring is now ready to be configured in file storage configuration.
Use a File Storage extendable lookup to define the location and connection information so that you may reference this location in system configuration. The following points highlight the steps to take for this option.
Navigate to Extendable Lookup and search for the File Storage Configuration lookup.
Click Add to create a new entry. Define a lookup value name. Note that the lookup value should not have a slash or backslash in its name. This will be used when configuring a file path that uses this value. Choose the File Adapter value of Oracle Cloud Object Storage. Provide the following information that identifies the cloud storage options: User, Tenancy, Compartment, Namespace and Region. For the Key Ring, choose the value defined above.
To reference this value in system configuration, use the syntax file-storage://XXXX/..., where XXXX is the extendable lookup value and any additional path information that is appropriate. For example, if you define an extendable lookup value of CM-CloudStorage and you have a bucket defined in Cloud Storage for processUpload, when configuring the file path for an upload batch job, enter file-storage://CM-CloudStorage/processUpload.
You may optionally use a Bucket Name Prefix on the file storage configuration to support defining different Bucket Names for different environments. For example, imagine you want to have a separate "processUpload" bucket for a development region, a test region and a production region. In the Cloud Storage configuration you can define separate buckets for "DEV_​processUpload", "TEST_​processUpload" and "PROD_​processUpload". If you needed to define the full bucket on each file path reference on various batch jobs, migrating the batch job configuration from one environment to another would require a manual step to change all the bucket references. Instead, the system supports defining a Bucket Name Prefix, which if populated will be prepended to bucket reference before connecting to Cloud Storage. This means that the prefix is defined once and all the references throughout the system can keep the common part of the Bucket name (such as "processUpload"). Then only the File Storage configuration needs to differ between the different regions.
The initial key pair is generated in the Active state. Once the key ring is defined on a File Storage lookup, it is recommended to practice key rotation and generate new keys periodically. To do this, use the Generate Key button on the Key Ring. New key pairs are generated in the Inactive state. The user should register the public key of the new key pair with cloud storage. Once that is done, the new key should be activated. The system generates the signature for connecting to cloud storage using the private key of the Active key pair for the key ring.