Locate Meter Services

This section describes the locate meter web services of the test harness composite.


This web service queries the data store for one or more meters. The difference between GetMeter and FindMeters is GetMeter can return at most one meter and it must match the provided ID exactly. GetMeter will throw an error if the ID is not found. FindMeters can return more than one meter (when using the regex) and will not throw an error when the ID does not match any of the meters in the index.

Input — FindMetersInput

Part: payload

Element: FindMetersRequest




The meter ID for which to search


The provided id can be a regex value when this parameter is true. Hint: to search for all meters in the system, use ".*" for the ID.

Output — FindMetersOutput

Part: payload

Element: FindMetersResult

Zero or more meter objects can be returned from the search

Fault — See UtilityFault. Unlike other methods, FindMeters does not throw an exception if the meter is not found. As such, it can be used to test for the existence of a Meter prior to querying for it.


This web service queries whether a particular meter is defined in the data store.

Input — IsMeterDefinedInput

Part: payload

Element: IsMeterDefinedRequest




The meter ID for which to search

Output — IsMeterDefinedOutput

Part: payload

Element: IsMeterDefinedResult

Whether or not the provided ID is part of the index.

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.


This web service returns all the attributes of a single meter from the in-memory data store. The difference between GetMeter and FindMeters is GetMeter can return at most one meter and it must match the provided ID exactly. GetMeter will throw an error if the ID is not found. FindMeters can return more than one meter (when using the regex) and will not throw an error when the ID does not match any of the meters in the index.

Input — GetMeterInput

Part: payload

Element: GetMeterRequest




The meter ID for which to search

Output — GetMeterOutput

Part: payload

Element: GetMeterResult

The meter object requested by the ID.

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.