Data Conversion

  • Only convert essential data. Only convert objects that are essential to running the business.

  • Pay careful attention to measurement data. Measurement data is very, very large and may take weeks to convert. Consider this: if it takes one hour to load measurements every day, how long will it take to load 5 years of measurements? Although conversion jobs are faster than regular data loading, measurement conversion still takes time. Here are a few measurement best practices:

    • Projects are encouraged to only convert the minimum amount of measurement data required.

    • If historical measurements are required, try to limit the amount of data converted. The best practice is to convert 13 months of consumption to support VEE.

    • Only convert channels absolutely required, usually billing channels, and don’t convert other interval data if not needed.

    • Measurement data values should be converted directly into the Measurement table and not use the IMD and VEE processes.

    • Do not convert Initial Measurement (IMDs). Completed IMDs are not needed for any Meter Data Management processes.

    • Remember that billing quantities will likely also be stored in the customer information system, so confirm that the measurement data is required before conversion.