Landis+Gyr Command Flows

The table below lists the communication flows used with each Landis+Gyr command, including:

  • Command: The specific smart meter command
  • Outbound Communication: The outbound communication business object created by the command. This sends the command request to the head end system.
  • Inbound Communication: The inbound communication created by the response from the head end system
  • Completion Event: The completion event(s) triggered by the command, if any. Completion events are used to update data in the system as a result of a smart meter command. For example, if a command changes the status of a device, the completion event is responsible for making that change.


Outbound Communication

Inbound Communication

Completion Event

Device Commissioning

L+G Add Meter to Inventory(MultiSpeak)


Device Commissioning Completion Event

Device Decommissioning

L+G Meter Remove Notification (MultiSpeak)


Device Decommissioning Completion Event

Meter Retire

L+G Meter Retire Notification


Meter Exchange

L+G Meter Exchange Notification


Remote Connect

L+G Initiate Connect Disconnect DR


Con/Discon State Change Notif-Direct Route


Connect Device Completion Event

Remote Disconnect

L+G Initiate Connect Disconnect DR


Con/Discon State Change Notif-Direct Route


Disconnect Device Completion Event

Demand Reset

L+G Schedule Demand Reset (Multispeak)


Reading Changed Notification Direct Route


On-Demand Read (MultiSpeak)

L+G MultiSpeak Initiate Meter Read By Meter Num Direct Route


Reading Changed Notification Direct Route


Create IMD Completion Event

On-Demand Read (Interval) [CIM]

CIM Meter On Demand Read Direct Route (Interval)


CIM AsyncReply MeterReads Direct Route


Create IMD Completion Event

On-Demand Read (Scalar) [CIM]

CIM Meter On Demand Read Direct Route (Scalar)


CIM AsyncReply MeterReads Direct Route


Create IMD Completion Event

Device Status Check

CIM Ping Direct Route


CIM AsyncReply MeterReads Direct Route


Unit of Measure Filtering for On-Demand Reads

Readings returned via On-Demand Read commands are filtered on the combination of Unit of Measure/Time of Use/Service Quantity Identifiers (UOM/TOU/SQI) configured for the device and measuring component. When filtering is enabled, only readings that match a configured UOM/TOU/SQI combination are processed. All others are filtered out.

Filtering is enabled by default via the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter (set to "false" by default) on the D3-CRRCCEDR (Create IMD Completion Event -Direct Route) algorithm on the Create Completion Events status of the D3-ReadingChgNotificationDR (L+G Reading Changed Notification Direct Route) business object. 

The D3-VALDVCFDR (Check if Device has any Filtering errors Direct Route) algorithm on the Validate status of the D3-ReadingChgNotificationDR business object is used to check for errors related to filtering. The value of the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter on this algorithm must match the value of the same parameter on the D3-CRRCCEDR algorithm. The “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter should both be set to either "false" (the default) or "true" (if filtering is to be disabled).

CIM Commands

For CIM-based on-demand read commands, filtering is enabled by default via the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter (set to "false" by default) on the D3-CRCIMCE (Create CIM Completion Event Direct Route) algorithm on the Create Completion Events status of the D3-CIMAsyncReplyMeterReadingDR (CIM AsyncReply MeterReads Direct Route) business object. 

The D3-VALCCIMCE (Check if Device has Filtering errors CIM Completion Event Direct Route) algorithm on the Validate status of the D3-CIMAsyncReplyMeterReadingDR (CIM AsyncReply MeterReads Direct Route) business object is used to check for errors related to filtering. The value of the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter on this algorithm must match the value of the parameter on the D3-CRCIMCE algorithm. The parameters should both be set to either "false" (the default) or "true" (if filtering is to be disabled).