Test Harness Design

Each test harness is divided into two main layers: a front end and back end layer. The front end set of services implements the head-end system interfaces, which receive requests corresponding to the specifications shown in the list below. Each of these services calls into the "back end" layer of the test harness, which defines meters and sets their attributes. These meters are stored in a file within the test harness called meterdb.xml.
Note: The meterdb.xml file can be modified pre-deployment, but not post-deployment. However, the test harness retains an in-memory "database" of the meters in the file. The in-memory representation can be modified using the utility web services. Note that any changes to the in- memory structure will be lost when the server is restarted or the test harness composite is redeployed.

Itron OpenWay

  • www.itron.com.ami.2008.10.control

    • ReconnectMeter

    • GetReconnectMeterResult

    • DisconnectMeter

    • GetDisconnectMeterResult

  • www.itron.com.ami.2008.10.data

    • ContingencyReadByEndpoint

    • GetContingencyReadByEndpointResult

    • InterrogateByGroup

    • GetInterrogateByGroupResult

  • www.itron.com.ami.2008.10.control

    • PingByEndpoints

    • ReconnectMeter

    • GetReconnectMeterResult

    • DisconnectMeter

    • GetDisconnectMeterResult

  • www.itron.com.ami.2012.03.control.diagnostic

    • PingByEndpoints

    • GetPingByEndpointsResult

  • www.itron.com.ami.2009.08.provisioning

    • AddMeterDefinitions

    • DeregisterMeters


  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​3.0 MR_​CB (Meter Reading_​Customer Billing)

    • MeterAddNotification

    • MeterRemoveNotification

    • InitiateMeterReadByMeterNumber

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​3.0 CD_​CB (Connect/Disconnect_​Customer Billing)

  • InitiateConnectDisconnect

The LG Harness will send below responses to corresponding BPEL composites:

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​3.0 CB_​MR (Customer Billing_​Meter Reading)

  • ReadingChangedNotification

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​3.0 CB_​CD (Customer Billing_​Connect/Disconnect)

  • CDStateChangedNotification

Sensus RNI

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​4.1_​Release MR_​Server

    • MeterAddNotification

    • MeterRemoveNotification

    • InitiateMeterReadingsByMeterID

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​4.1_​Release CD_​Server

    • IitiateConnectDisconnect

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​4.1_​Release CB_​Server

    • CDStatesChangedNotification (async reply)

    • ReadingChangedNotification (async reply)

  • http://www.multispeak.org/Version_​4.1_​Release OD_​Server

    • InitiateOutageDetectionEventRequest

Silver Spring Networks

  • urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.4:DataAggregation and urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.6:DataAggregation

    • getMeterFieldStatus

  • urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.4:DeviceManager and urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.6:DeviceManager

    • FindDevice

    • ReplaceDeviceAtLocation

    • ReplaceLocation

  • urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.4:DeviceResults and urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.6:DeviceResults

    • getRemoteProvisioningResultsByJobID

    • getMeterReadResultsByJobID

    • getPingResultsByJobID

  • urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.4:JobManager and urn:com:ssn:schema:service:v1.6:JobManager

    • addRemoteProvisioningJob

    • getJobStatus

    • addMeterReadJob

    • addPingJobfindJob

    • getJobStatusForDevice