Configuring Business Flag Integration

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management includes the following components used when integrating with Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights:

Master Configuration

The following master configurations are used to configure the sync process between MDM and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights:

Master Configuration


Oracle Utilities DataRaker Integration Master Configuration

This master configuration is used to enable deep linking into Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights. Multiple URL patterns are supported with an ability to provide substitution variables to satisfy the URL parameters (e.g. "&searchTech="). This also provides a mapping between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management service types and the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights point types.

Service Provider Processing Methods

The following processing methods should be associated to the service provider configured for Oracle DataRaker:

Processing Role


Business Flag Confidence Change

This role will identify the appropriate message to send when a business flag confidence has been changed (e.g. from Suspected to Confirmed). When not configured no message will be sent.

Business Flag Discarded Notification

This role will identify the appropriate message to send when a business flag has been discarded. When not configured no message will be sent.

Business Flag Field Work Details

This role will identify the appropriate message to send when a business flag has completed that initiated field work. When not configured no message will be sent.

Business Flag Added Notification

This role will identify the appropriate message to send when a business flag has been created from within Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. When not configured no message will be sent.

Extendable Lookups

The following extendable lookups should be reviewed for Oracle DataRaker:

Extendable Lookup


Business Flag Standard Name

If Oracle DataRaker will be communicating business flags using a non-standard name provide an entry in the Valid External Name with the non-standard name for each standard name communicated by Oracle DataRaker.