Understanding Storm Management Calculations
Storm Management enables you to analyze restoration times during high volume outage periods, such as those that occur during and following ice storms, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and other widespread disturbances. It can provide estimated assessment and restoration times for every outage in the system. It calculates estimates by periodically simulating the entire restoration process, taking into account the dynamically changing outage predictions and crew resource allocation. These restoration estimates can be used to manage workloads and prioritize crew assignments.
This section provides a detailed explanation of the algorithms and data Storm Management uses to create estimates. It includes the following topics:
How Storm Management Works
Storm Management has two basic modes of operation – non-storm and storm mode. The estimate calculation algorithm for each mode is fundamentally the same. For example, both modes use historical averages and simulated restoration calculation/analysis of all unrestored events in the system for the estimate calculation algorithm. However, non-storm mode does not attempt to make crew backlog calculations, making its analysis much simpler.