Parameter Manager Tab
The Parameter Manager tab is contains two panes:
Parameters Pane
The Parameters pane displays the following fields and buttons:
The Parameters pane lists all parameters in the system. Note that the table row colors correspond to whether a parameter is active (white) or inactive (bluish gray). For convenience, the rows in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on any column header.
The columns displayed are user selectable by right-clicking the table heading area and selecting or deselecting the list of available columns in the Select Columns to Display dialog box. Once the columns have been chosen, you may save the choices for your subsequent sessions by selecting Save Preferences from the Preferences menu; if not saved, the default columns will be displayed when you log in again. See Manage Preferences Menu for details on saving and restoring column selections.
The default product configuration displays the following columns:
The Name column contains a descriptive name given to the parameter.
The Type column contains the notification type on which the parameter is based.
The Value column contains the threshold value used in determining if a parameter violation has occurred. The units for this value are based on the notification type. For example, the parameter value unit of for the "Outage" notification type is "number of customers out." The "Outage affecting critical customer(s)" notification parameter value unit is "number of critical customers out."
The Contact Groups column contains the group of contacts to be notified when a parameter violation occurs.
The Control Zones column contains the control zones to which the parameter applies.
The Asset Class(es) column contains the types of assets to which the parameter applies, if applicable.
The # Assets column contains the number of asset aliases associated with the parameter, if applicable.
Note: A parameter must specify either a control zone or a list of assets, but not both.
The # Accounts column contains the count of customer account numbers associated with the parameter, if applicable.
The Duration column contains the time interval associated with the parameter, if applicable. This is the minimum outage duration (in seconds) before the notification is triggered.
The Max ERT Notifications column contains the maximum number of notifications that will be delivered when there are ERT updates.
The Event Types column contains the names of the specific event types this notification will be triggered for.
The Event States column contains the names of the specific event states that this notification will be triggered for. (Currently only used for Specific customer affected by unplanned outage notification.)
The Use Event States column contains a flag to indicate whether the Event State trigger is active for the parameter.
The Customer Types column contains the critical customer types used in calculations for the associated notification.
The Crew Types column contains the names of the specific crew types the notification will be triggered for; this only applies when Crew Action trigger is selected.
The Crew States column contains the names of the specific crew states (Assigned, En-Route, Onsite, Suspended) the notification will be triggered for; this only applies when Crew Action trigger is selected.
The Planned column displays Y if notification should only be triggered for planned events.
The Disable During Storm column contains a flag to indicate whether parameter violation should be suppressed when the associated control zone is in storm mode or the associated asset resides in a control zone that is in storm mode. Storm modes are defined as part of Web Trouble configuration (rule sets applied to a control zone in the Authority tool).
The Duration column contains the minimum outage duration (in hh:mm:ss format) required for the outage to trigger a notification.
The Add button activates the editable fields in the Parameter Information pane, which allows you to add a new parameter.
The Edit button allows you to edit the currently selected parameter.
The Remove button removes the currently selected parameter from the system.
The Export Table button allows you to save the Parameter Information table data as a CSV file.
Parameter Information Pane
The Parameter Information pane is where the details for a parameter are entered and/or edited. The Parameter Information pane displays the following fields and buttons:
Note: The fields and buttons on this pane vary depending on the type of notification.
The Name field displays the descriptive name given to the parameter. This value can be modified be when in add/edit mode.
The Select Contact Groups... button brings up the Select Contact Groups dialog box for selecting one or more groups to be notified when the parameter is violated. You can use the Control key in conjunction with the left mouse button to make multiple selections or deselect a group in the Select Contact Groups dialog box. This button is enabled when in add/edit mode.
The Type field displays a list of enumerated notification types to which this parameter applies. This value can be selected when in add/edit mode.
Outage Affecting Critical Customer(s)
Outage Affecting Specific Customer(s)
Frequency of Outages on an Asset
Storm Affecting Control Zone
The Value field displays the parameter threshold value. This value can be modified when in add/edit mode.
The Number of Selected Accounts field displays the number of customer account numbers associated with the parameter, if applicable. This field is not editable.
The Select Accounts... button displays the Select Accounts dialog box, allowing you to search for customer accounts to associate with the parameter, if applicable.
The Event Type radio group allows you to select whether notification should be triggered by Planned or Unplanned events. This is only displayed for outage-type notifications.
The Select Event Types... button opens the Select Event Types dialog box that allows you to select one or more event types that will trigger the notification when the parameter is violated. When multiple event types are selected, a notification will only be triggered the first time one of the selected event types is met. This button is enabled in add/edit mode when Unplanned Event Type is selected.
The Trigger group allows you to select the event status that will trigger the notification. This group may contain one or more of the following options:
Scheduled - This check box is enabled only for outage notifications where the Event Type is Planned. If this is checked, the system will generate a notification when a switching sheet reaches the scheduled state, provided that other notification conditions are met.
Started/In-Progress - This check box is enabled only for outage notifications. If this is checked, the system will generate a notification when a planned or unplanned outage is started, provided that other notification conditions are met.
Restored - This check box is enabled only for outage notifications. If this is checked, the system will generate a notification when a planned or unplanned outage is restored, provided that other notification conditions are met.
Canceled - This check box is enabled only for outage notifications. If this is checked, the system will generate a notification when a switching sheet reaches canceled state or when an unplanned outage is canceled, provided that other notification conditions are met.
ERT Updated - If checked, the system will generate a notification when an ERT is manually updated for an outage, provided that other notification conditions are met.
Crew Action - This check box is enabled only for outage notifications. If selected, the system will generate a notification when the specified crew type and crew state are met provided that other notification conditions are also met. The notification will be triggered only the first time an event has been observed to be in a particular crew state (for example, if a parameter specifies crew types of Service and Trouble and the crew state is Assigned, notification for a particular event will be generated only the first time a Service or Trouble crew is assigned to the event).
Storm Started - This check box is enabled only if the notification type is Storm Affecting Control Zone. If this is checked, the system will generate notification when storm has been created in Storm Management tool.
Storm Updated - This check box is enabled only if the notification type is Storm Affecting Control Zone and Storm Started check box is checked. If this is checked, the system will generate notification when information for an existing storm has been updated in Storm Management tool.
Storm Ended - This check box is enabled only if the notification type is Storm Affecting Control Zone. If this is checked, the system will generate notification when storm has been marked as ended in Storm Management tool.
The Select Crew Types... button displays the Select Crew Types dialog box, allowing you to select crew types to associate with the parameter; this is only available when Crew Action trigger is selected.
The Select Crew States... button displays the Select Crew States dialog box, allowing you to select crew states to associate with the parameter; this is only available when Crew Action trigger is selected.
The Duration field allows you to enter the minimum outage duration (in hh:mm:ss format) required to trigger a notification. If an outage meets all the conditions for notification, but does not have sufficient duration, the system will delay the notification until the required outage duration has been reached. Duration of 0 seconds means that notification should be generated regardless of the outage duration. This field is only available for notification types: Outage, Outage Affecting Critical Customers, and Outage Affecting Specific Customers. Duration check is not applicable to Master Switching Jobs.
The Max ERT Notifications field allows you to enter the maximum number of ERT updated notifications to be triggered for an event.
The Max ERT Notifications field is only visible when Outage, Outage affecting critical customers, or Outage affecting specific customer types are selected.
It is editable only when ERT Updated is selected in the Trigger pane.
By default, it is populated with the ertMaxUpdates SRS rule (see “Using the Event Management Rules Tab” for details on configuring SRS rules).
The Number of Selected Assets field displays the number of asset aliases associated with the parameter, if applicable. This is non-editable field.
The Select Assets... button displays the Select Assets dialog box, allowing you to search for assets to associate with the parameter, if applicable.
The Asset Class(es) field displays the classes or types of assets to which the parameter applies. This value can be modified when in add/edit mode, depending upon the type of notification selected.
The Select Asset Classes... button displays the Select Asset Classes dialog box, allowing you to select asset types to associate with the parameter, if applicable.
The Clear button clears the Asset Class(es) field.
The Control Zones field displays the control zones of the asset to which the parameter applies. This value can be modified when in add/edit mode.
The Select Control Zones... button displays the Select Control Zones dialog box, allowing you to associate the parameter with a control zone, if applicable.
The Clear button clears the Control Zones field.
Note: A parameter must specify either control zone or an asset, but not both.
Click the Use Event States check box if you want to select specific event states that will trigger the notification when the parameter is violated. If checked, the Select Event States... button is enabled.
The Select Event States... button brings up the Select Event States dialog box for selecting one or more event states. You can use the Control key in conjunction with the left mouse button to make multiple selections or deselect a group in the Select Event Types dialog box. This button is enabled when in add/edit mode.
The Time Interval field displays the time interval value associated with the parameter. This value can be modified when in add/edit mode, depending upon the type of notification selected.
The Specify Time Interval button displays the Specify Time Interval dialog box, allowing you to specify what time interval should be used for the parameter, if applicable.
The Clear button to the right of the Specify Time Interval button clears the Time Interval field when pressed.
The Disable During Storm check box allows you to enable/disable the parameter during storm mode.
The Active check box allows you to enable/disable the parameter.
The Select Customer Types... button allows you to select one or more customer types to be considered in the calculations for the notification. This button is displayed only for notifications that involve critical customers.
When you click this button, the Select Customer Type dialog box opens. Select the customer types to include, then click OK.
Note: If a customer belongs to more than one of the selected customer types, the customer is only counted once in the calculation.
The Save button saves the parameter information.
The Cancel button cancels an add/edit parameter operation.