Working with Safety Documents
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Safety Documents, which are an electronic representation of paper safety documents used for switching operations, provide information about a particular operation and record the issuance and release of tags on assets. For switching operations, safety tags are first physically placed on assets, and then the safety document is issued; note that the safety tag must match the safety document type (for example, Hold tags are used with Hold safety documents). Issuing the safety document effectively gives the crew permission to begin work. When the work is completed, the safety document is released, warning the crew that they must stay clear. Once the safety document is released, safety tags may be removed from the assets and the switches may then be closed.
This section includes the following topics:
Understanding Safety Document Types
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Switching Management includes a group of safety documents that represent common utility safety document types. These standard forms may be used to represent established safety documents in your organization.
Clearance - indicates that clearance for work on an asset or in an area has been obtained from the proper authority. The proper authority might be a control center supervisor or a regional dispatcher. Clearance documents imply that the assets or area that requires work has been made safe to work on or in.
Delegated Control - safety document (DCZ) allows users to identify a section of the network that has been turned over to the field for operation. The operator is no longer in control of the section of the network. It is the responsibility of the crew to operate in a safe and secure manner and document actions taken. See “Delegating Control of a Network Area” for more information.
Hold - indicates that the tagged assets should not be operated (for example, if the assets is open, it should remain open). Hold safety documents are used when the asset is to be held open or closed in order to complete work in an area of the distribution system. The purpose of the Hold safety document is to protect crew members and prevent injury to human life. Hold safety documents are placed and removed by individuals who have authority over a specific area or operation and serve to restrict the operation of an asset.
Information Note - provides some pertinent information about the assets. Information Note safety documents are for informational purposes only. These safety documents do not restrict operation of the asset, but provide information that a crew member or utility employee should be aware of when working on the assets.
Warning Tag - provides warning information about the tagged assets. Like Information Note safety documents, Warning Tags are for informational purposes only. These safety documents do not restrict operation of the assets, but provide information that a crew member or utility employee should be aware of when working on the tagged assets.
While safety document names and features may vary, understanding these types will help you understand the general use of most safety documents. Crews typically "own" safety documents and must authorize their release when they are finished working in an area or on an asset.
Mapping Step Types to Safety Document Types
Safety document types are associated with certain types of steps. These step-to-safety document mappings are configurable. The following list shows what types of steps each safety document type is pre-configured to accept.
Place Clearance Tag
Remove Clearance Tag
Delegated Control (DCZ)
Place DCZ Tag
Remove DCZ Tag
Place Hold Tag
Remove Hold Tag
Informational Note:
Place INFO Tag
Remove INFO Tag
Warning Tag:
Place WARN Tag
Remove WARN Tag
Using Safety Documents in Switching Plans