Using the Viewer Menus and Toolbar
The Viewer's menus and toolbars provide access to common functions.
File Menu
Toolbar Button
Opens the Print Preview window, which allows you to print the contents of the Viewer window.
Exits the Viewer.
Actions Menu
Toolbar Button
Focuses the Viewer on selected devices or devices associated with selected events. See “Viewer Focus” for details.
Moves to the previous view before a pan, zoom, or object focus operation (if any) changed the focus location in the Viewer. This button functions similarly to a web browser back button, storing a dozen "views." However, the loaded maps, the hide/display layers, and other options will use the current settings.
Moves to the next view if the Back button has been used. It functions similarly to a web browser's forward button. However, the loaded maps, the hide/display layers, and other options will use the current settings.
Opens the Search dialog box, which allows you to enter search criteria and execute a search in the Viewer.
Load Maps
Allows you to explicitly load additional maps to display more of the surrounding area or additional detail.
Unload Maps
Unloads all maps, not just those in the visible drawing area.
Save View Area...
Saves the viewing area after prompting for a name for the saved area. If a view area already exists with that name, you will be asked if you want to replace it.
Delete View Area...
Deletes the viewing area after prompting for confirmation.
Show Lens
Opens a Lens window zoomed in on selected device. See “Using Lens Windows”.
Feeder Focus
Shows the selected device's feeder at a zoom level that will allow the Viewer to display the feeder in its entirety.
Change Focus Feeders...
Opens the Select Feeders to Display dialog that lists the feeder in focus and all adjacent feeders allowing you to select (or deselect) which feeders to view in Feeder Focus. “Feeder Focus on Adjacent Feeders”.
Feeder One Line
View the feeder one line for the selected object.
Schematic Diagram
Focus the Viewer on the selected device or associated selected events in the schematic view is available.
View Browser Map
Opens a web browser map to display the geographic area.
Focus on Feeder Breaker
Focuses the Viewer window on a breaker currently feeding the selected device. If the device is deenergized, the nominal breaker will display.
Opens the Hide / Display dialog box, which allows you to select what information will be displayed on the map. See “Hiding and Displaying Viewer Objects”.
Toggle Landbase
Turns the background landbase map on or off.
Toggle SCADA View
Removes all non‑essential devices to only show the feeder backbones and SCADA devices. The device classes that are shown in this view can be configured on a project basis and tuned as needed.
Feeder Names
Causes the right status bar to display the names of the feeders and substations feeding the selected device for parallel or meshed conditions; for tie points, it will display the names of both feeders.
Pointer Coordinates...
Opens a dialog box that displays the geographic coordinates for a selected object.
Group Events...
Opens the Group Events dialog box, which allows you to manually merge, relate, and un-relate events.
Navigate Menu
The Navigate menu lists the Viewer's navigation keyboard shortcuts and allows you to select whether the Viewer's Pan and Zoom Control is displayed in the Viewer Drawing Area. Navigation keyboard shortcuts use the keyboard arrow keys and the numeric keypad plus (+) and minus (-) keys (not the keyboard's number row).
Keyboard Shortcut
Moves the map to the north.
Moves the map to the south.
Moves the map to the east.
Moves the map to the west.
Zoom In
Zooms in on the map to show a smaller area in more detail.
Zoom Out
Zooms out on the map to show a larger area.
Show Pan and Zoom Control
Check box allows you to select to display the Viewer Pan and Zoom control; deselect to hide the control.
Settings Menu
Toolbar Button
Fixed Size
This mode will keep the symbol and text sizes the same regardless of the zoom level.
Text Bigger
Increases the text font size.
Text Smaller
Decreases the text font size.
Symbols Bigger
Increases the size of symbols.
Symbols Smaller
Decreases the size of symbols.
Attributes Farther
Displays attributes (for example, flags, note symbols, and so on) away from the device. Each subsequent action moves the attribute farther away.
Attributes Closer
Displays attributes closer to the device.
Reset Scale
Resets the size of symbols and text to its default size.
Unload Maps on Map Load
Selection that sets the Viewer to unload previously loaded maps before loading another map.
Tools Menu
Toolbar Button
Commissioning Tool
Opens the Commissioning Tool. See “Using the Commissioning Tool”.
Assessment Tool...
Opens the Assessment Tool. See “Using the Assessment Tool”.
Feeder Load Management...
Opens the Feeder Load Management window. See “Feeder Load Management”.
Suggested Switching...
Displays the Suggested Switching wizard. This option is only enabled if a device is currently selected in the Viewer. See “Using the Suggested Switching Tool”.
Displays the Optimization wizard. This option is only enabled if a device is currently selected in the Viewer. See Chapter 14, Network Optimization Tool for information.
Options Menu
Toolbar Button
View Phases
Sets the Viewer's drawing areas to show conductor coloring by phases.
View Feeders
Sets the Viewer drawing area to feeder coloring mode.
View Currents
Sets the Viewer's drawing areas to show coloring by the current range. See Chapter 12, “Viewer Power Flow Information Visualization”, for more information.
View Loading
Sets the Viewer's drawing areas to show coloring by load (that is, the per unit current range). See Viewer Power Flow Information Visualization, “Viewer Power Flow Information Visualization”, for more information.
View Voltage Per Unit
Sets the Viewer's drawing areas to show coloring by voltage per unit (that is, the per unit voltage range). See Chapter 12, “Viewer Power Flow Information Visualization”, for more information.
View Nominal Voltages
Sets the Viewer's drawing areas to show coloring by the nominal voltage range. See Chapter 12, “Viewer Power Flow Information Visualization”, for more information.
View Limits
Sets the Viewer's drawing areas to show conductor coloring by their Amp limits.
Show Flow Direction
Overlays flow direction arrows the selected view option. See Chapter 12, “Flow Direction”, for more information.
Big Symbols
Allows you to toggle the display of Big Symbols, which are enlarged versions of normal symbology that allow you to see certain device types and conditions when zoomed out. In the following image, Big Symbols are active in the top view and inactive in the bottom view.
Show PF Options
Toggles the display of study session parameters in the Viewer when in study mode. See “Viewing and Modifying Study Session Parameters” for more information.
Real Time
If you are currently in Study mode, select this to switch to real-time mode. If you are currently in real-time mode, this is grayed out. For more information on real-time mode, see “Real-Time and Study Mode”.
If you are currently in real-time mode, select this to switch to Study mode. If you are currently in Study mode, this is grayed out. For more information on study mode, see “Real-Time and Study Mode”.
Study Mode
Reset to Real-Time: reset the study session to the current real-time model.
Reset to Nominal: reset the study session to the nominal model.
Reset...: displays the Reset Study Session dialog, which allows you to reset your session, and, optionally, add or remove DMS for it.
Save Case Management...: opens the Save Case Management tool, which allows you to view, modify, delete, or reset to session changes. See “Using the Save Case Management Tool” for more information.
Close Study Session: closes the study session and returns the Viewer to real-time mode.
DMS in Study Session
This option allows users to enable DMS tools before starting their next study session. These users can also close their sessions and re-initialize them to change the DMS in Study Session option.
Users with DMS_STUDY_MODE permission will notice that the DMS in Study Mode check box is checked by default.
Power Flow Real-Time Options...
The Power Flow Options button opens the Power Flow Options dialog box.
Help Menu
Toolbar Button
Viewer Help
Opens online help content for the Viewer.
Color Legend
Opens the Color Legend window, which displays information about symbology coloring. See “Understanding Viewer Coloring” for more information.
Highlight Legend
Opens the Highlight Legend window, which displays information about the current view. See “Understanding Viewer Coloring” for more information.