There are four menus on the Storm Management menu bar:
System Menu
The options in the System menu are available in both storm and non-storm modes. The following table describes the System Menu options and associated toolbar icons.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Storm Mode...
Used to transition a control zone between the Storm Management non-storm and storm modes of operation. Opens the Define Storm dialog box, prompting you to enter the information required to transition between modes. This option is not available in study mode.
Save Changes
Saves any changes made in the window outside of the Crew Information table.
ERT Override...
While periodically simulating the restoration process, Storm Management makes an estimated assessment and calculates an Estimated Restoration Time (ERT) for each eligible event. The estimates are accessible to other NMS modules.
This option opens the ERT Override dialog box, which allows the accessibility of the Storm Management estimates to other modules to be turned on and off at any control zone level, and also allows for an alternate global or tiered estimate to be applied at any control zone level instead. The ERT Delays tab allows the user to adjust calculated ERT values, for any control zone, with a delay factor.
Force Simulation Run
Immediately invokes the simulation of the entire restoration process, recalculating the estimates. This option is typically only used in study mode.
Retrieve Update
Refreshes the window with the most recent information from the system. In most cases, the window refreshes itself on a periodic basis. But, if there are unsaved changes in the Storm Management window at the time the automatic refresh is due to occur, the window will not refresh. Instead, an alert appears in the status bar indicating that an update is available, and the Retrieve Update option must be invoked in order to refresh the window with the new update. This allows you to continue making your changes and save them first before refreshing.
Print All…
Opens the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print the Summary Information pane, Storm Report pane, Storm Information pane (if present), Crew Information pane (if present), and status bar information from the current Storm Management window.
See “Taking Authority for Control Zones” for details on printing and using the Print Preview window.
Print Crews…
Opens the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print out the Crew Information pane from the current Storm Management window. This option is only available in storm mode.
Storm Menu
The options in the Storm menu are only enabled when Storm Management is in storm mode. The following table describes the Storm Menu and associated toolbar options.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Study Mode
Toggles the Storm Management window between real-time and study modes of operation. The current mode is displayed in the status bar.
Export Study Session
When in study mode, allows you to export the current study session crews and parameters to the real-time session.
Reset Study Session
When in study mode, allows you to reset the current study session with the current real-time session crews and parameters.
Forecast Profiles…
Opens the Forecast Profiles dialog box, which is used to save and pre-load outage forecasting parameters. This option is only available in storm mode at the simulation level.
Calculate Crews...
Opens the Calculate Crews dialog box, which is used to determine the approximate number of crews needed to complete assessment and repair by a specified date and time.