Using Optimization in Study Mode
In Study Mode, Optimization uses a wizard approach that steps you through a series of pages to gather input and then presents the results. This allows you to maintain context and easily move backward and forward in the process, as needed.
Optimization allows you to specify a particular loading scenario against which to perform the analysis. Based on the selected load scenario, Optimization uses the real-time load values or load values from the historical load profile for all load points in the analysis area. The user-selectable load scenarios are:
Real-time loads
Scaled loads
Peak loads
Specific period loads
In addition, you can specify the type of device controls to consider for the analysis.
Based on these settings, the tool generates a plan summary and detailed results for individual feeders, along with any violations or dropped loads. A set of implementation steps is also presented, showing substation transformer tap position changes, capacitor bank status changes, and/or DER real/reactive power output changes. You can save these steps in a new switching sheet or insert them into an open switching sheet.
Note: Optimization uses Web Switching Management functionality and is only available if you are running Web Workspace as the Full Operations plus Web Switching user type. See Understanding User Types and Web Switching Management for more information.
You can use the Optimization wizard to generate a set of steps that can be inserted into a new switching sheet or appended to an existing switching sheet. If you want to add steps to an existing sheet, do the following before you run the optimization tool:
1. Create a new planned switching sheet or open an existing sheet.
2. Click the Record button to enable recording. This is required in order for optimization steps to be appended from the wizard.
Before you run Optimization, select a single device in the Viewer that is connected to the area you want to optimize. The analysis works on a substation bus level and will optimize all feeders fed by the bus. For example, if a substation has two low voltage (LV) buses separated by a normally open switch, the analysis would only optimize devices in the selected bus area. Before you run Optimization, select one or more devices in the Viewer that identify the feeders that you want to optimize. To select more than one device, hold down the CTRL key and click the devices.
Running Optimization in Study Mode
To start Optimization, select a single device that is in the bus area you wish to optimize in the Viewer, and then select the Optimization... option from the Viewer Tools menu. This option is only enabled if a device is currently selected in the Viewer and DMS is enabled in your study session for your user type.
Each screen in the Optimization wizard displays a context pane on the left side of the screen, which shows all the steps in the optimization process. Completed steps are shown in normal text, the current step is bolded, and the remaining steps are grayed out.
The wizard displays the following pages:
The buttons at the bottom of the dialog box allow you to step forward and backward through the process or exit the tool.