Understanding FLISR Events in the Work Agenda
The Work Agenda DMS Status column provides information about FLISR status and results of the FLISR calculations. When row or cell coloring is enabled in the Web Workspace (see Understanding the Table Settings Menu and “Understanding Conditional Formatting”), the DMS Status information is color coded (see Conductor Symbology on page D-5 for color coding values). Possible FLISR status results:
DMS Status Column
Blank. A non-DMS event.
FLISR Solution in Progress
The event is currently being processed as a FLISR event and is searching for a solution.
FLISR Demand and Scan in Progress
FLISR is currently scanning the network to find the relevant SCADA devices.
FLISR Solution Failed
There were issues finding a FLISR solution. Possible causes include invalid devices, model issues, invalid fault indication, loop in faulted section, and so on.
FLISR No Solution Found
No FLISR solution could be found for the fault event.
FLISR Solution Generated
A FLISR solution has been found for the event.
FLISR Solution Generated with Violations
A FLISR solution has been found, but it causes violations on the restoring feeder – manual intervention is required.
FLISR Plan Executing
The system is executing the plan.
FLISR Plan Executed
The system has finished executing the plan.
FLISR Plan Execution Failed
The plan failed to execute – manual intervention is required.
FLISR Tags Found
Tags were found on the affected feeder.
FLISR Manually Aborted
FLISR processing or execution has been aborted by a user.
FLISR Aborted
FLISR is aborted due to multiple faults on the same feeder.
FLISR Plan Execution Timed Out
FLISR plan execution time exceeded the configured time.
Note: The preceding statuses will indicate the mode in which FLISR attempted to process the fault event by appending either (M) or (A) for Manual or Automatic, respectively.
Aborting a FLISR Plan from the Work Agenda
Select a FLISR event in the Work Agenda. Right-click the event and select Abort DMS Processing. Alternatively, in the FLISR switching plan, right-click the FLISR event in the Events table and select Abort DMS Processing.