Working with Safety Documents
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Safety Documents, which are an electronic representation of paper safety documents used for switching operations, provide information about a particular operation and record the issuance and release of tags on devices. For switching operations, safety tags are first physically placed on devices, and then the safety document is issued; note that the safety tag must match the safety document type (for example, Hold tags are used with Hold safety documents). Issuing the safety document effectively gives the crew permission to begin work. When the work is completed, the safety document is released, warning the crew that they must stay clear. Once the safety document is released, safety tags may be removed from the devices and the switches may then be closed.
This section includes the following topics:
Understanding Safety Document Types
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Switching Management includes a group of safety documents that represent common utility safety document types. These standard forms may be used to represent established safety documents in your organization.
Clearance - indicates that clearance for work on a device or in an area has been obtained from the proper authority. The proper authority might be a control center supervisor or a regional dispatcher. Clearance documents imply that the devices or area that requires work has been made safe to work on or in.
Delegated Control - safety document (DCZ) allows users to identify a section of the network that has been turned over to the field for operation. The operator is no longer in control of the section of the network. It is the responsibility of the crew to operate in a safe and secure manner and document actions taken. See Delegating Control of a Network Area for more information.
Hold - indicates that the tagged devices should not be operated (for example, if the devices is open, it should remain open). Hold safety documents are used when the device is to be held open or closed in order to complete work in an area of the distribution system. The purpose of the Hold safety document is to protect crew members and prevent injury to human life. Hold safety documents are placed and removed by individuals who have authority over a specific area or operation and serve to restrict the operation of a device.
Hot - indicates that hot line work is being performed (for example, live wires), and if tagged devices are opened, they should not be closed until the safety document is released. When Hot Line safety documents are present, device operations in the area should be performed with caution.
Information Note - provides some pertinent information about the devices. Information Note safety documents are for informational purposes only. These safety documents do not restrict operation of the device, but provide information that a crew member or utility employee should be aware of when working on the devices.
Warning Tag - provides warning information about the tagged devices. Like Information Note safety documents, Warning Tags are for informational purposes only. These safety documents do not restrict operation of the devices, but provide information that a crew member or utility employee should be aware of when working on the tagged devices.
While safety document names and features may vary, understanding these types will help you understand the general use of most safety documents. Crews typically "own" safety documents and must authorize their release when they are finished working in an area or on a device.
Mapping Step Types to Safety Document Types
Safety document types are associated with certain types of steps. These step-to-safety document mappings are configurable. The following list shows what types of steps each safety document type is pre-configured to accept.
Place Clearance Tag
Remove Clearance Tag
Place Ground
Remove Ground
Delegated Control (DCZ)
Place DCZ Tag
Remove DCZ Tag
Place Hold Tag
Remove Hold Tag
Place Ground
Remove Ground
Place HOT Tag
Remove HOT Tag
Place Ground
Remove Ground
Informational Note:
Place INFO Tag
Remove INFO Tag
Warning Tag:
Place WARN Tag
Remove WARN Tag
Using Safety Documents in Switching Plans
Understanding the Safety Documents Tab
The Switching Sheet Safety Documents tab displays a list of all safety documents associated with a switching sheet. The Safety Documents tab displays the following fields and menu bar buttons:
Type displays the type of safety document. (See Understanding Safety Document Types.)
Doc # displays the safety document number.
Status displays the status of the safety document. Valid statuses are: New, Issued, Released, Unissued, Aborted, Deleted, and Completed.
Crews displays the crews assigned to this safety document.
Description displays a description of the safety document.
Menu Bar Buttons
The Refresh button() refreshes the safety document list.
The Create a Safety Document button () opens an context menu that allows you to choose a safety document type or open the Select Safety Type dialog box.
The Open button () opens the selected safety document. (Alternatively, you can double-click the document in the list.)
The Associate button () displays the Switching Sheet Association dialog box. From the dialog box you can associate the safety document to a different switching sheet. See Switching Sheet Associations for more details.
The Disassociate button (), when pressed, displays a confirmation dialog box pertaining to the disassociation of the safety document. Confirming the action will cause the safety document to be disassociated from the switching sheet. Once disassociated, the document is converted into a stand alone safety document.
The Delete button () deletes the selected safety document. Safety documents can only be deleted if there are no steps associated to the document. Deleted safety documents are not removed from the database.
Safety Document Dialog Overview
The Safety Documents associated to switching sheets are displayed as detached windows. When working with Web Safety, when there is no originating switching sheet, the document takes on a slightly different behavior and look. For more information on Stand Alone Safety Documents see Web Safety.
Toolbar Icons
The Save button () saves your changes to the safety document.
The Print Preview button () allows you to select a report format and then preview the safety document in the selected format.
The Print button () allows you to select a printer and then print a hard copy of the safety document to the selected printer.
The Email button () allows you to email a version of safety document. You will be prompted to select a report format (PDF, HTML, RTF, or XML); click Email... to generate the file, which will be attached to a new message launched from your default email application.
The Validate button (), which is available on the DCZ safety documents, is used to determine whether the listed devices potentially isolate an area of the network. If the list of devices is not sufficient, a dialog will suggest the first missing device needed, provide an option to add it, and re-validate the new list.
The Issue button () adds a step for issuing the selected safety document. The step is added to the end of the steps list or after the step insertion indicator (if one has been placed). This button is enabled when a document is in the New and Released states so the document may be issued and released multiple times. If any of the devices in the Tag Points list are not associated to steps, then the appropriate conditions will be placed on those devices when the document is transitioned to the Issued state.
The Unissue button () is used to place an Issued safety document or a Released safety document into an Unissued (edit) state where the device lists can be altered. While in the Unissued state, you can add devices to the lists and mark devices already in the list for removal. Only when the safety document transitions back to the Issued state will the changes be applied.
The Release button () adds a step for releasing the selected safety document. The step is added to the end of the steps list or after the step insertion indicator (if one has been placed). This button is only enabled if the safety document has been issued. Selecting this button will cause the Complete button to be enabled.
The Complete button () adds a step for completing the selected safety document. The step is added to the end of the steps list or after the step insertion indicator (if one has been placed). If any of the devices in the Tag Points list are not associated to steps, then the appropriate conditions will be removed from those devices when the document is transitioned to the Completed state.
The Abort button () allows you to set the status of the safety document to Aborted. The system prompts you to confirm the action before aborting. This button is only available in real-time mode and only for safety documents that are in the New state.
The Associate button () displays the Switching Sheet Association dialog box. From the dialog box you can associate the safety document to a different switching sheet. See Switching Sheet Associations for more details.
The Disassociate button (), when pressed, displays a confirmation dialog box pertaining to the disassociation of the safety document. Confirming the action will cause the safety document to be disassociated from the switching sheet. Once disassociated, the document is converted into a stand alone safety document.
Safety Document Panes
The safety document dialog box displays the following panes:
Tag Points display the devices that the safety document is associated with.
Table Columns
Edit State (untitled): an iconic representation of the edited state of the device in the Unissued state. The edits will be applied when the document is issued. When working in Study mode, the edit state indicators will remain visible until the document is issued in real time.
: The device has been marked for removal.
: The device has been added to the device list and will be used as a boundary point the next time the document is issued.
Device: the device used to define the area or point of coverage of the safety document.
Phases: the device phases affected.
Toolbar Buttons
Screen capture of Record button showing a red filled circle followed by the word ’Record" / Screen capture of Stop button showing a blue filled square followed by the word ’Stop": Toggles recording of devices off or on. The Tag Points list allows users to record devices via selections from the Viewer. To enable this feature, simply turn on recording and select devices in the Viewer.
The Add Device... button () allows you to manually add a device to the list.
The Undo Device Edit button () allows you to undo an addition or removal of a device from the list. This option is only available when making device modifications in the Unissued state.
The Remove Device button () allows you to remove a selected device from the Tag Points device list.
The Change Phases button () brings up the Select Phases dialog box. From the dialog box, new phases for the device can be selected.
Select Phases Dialog Box
The Select Phases dialog box allows you to alter the phases for the highlighted device in one of the safety document's devices list. When the document is in the Unissued state, a new pending entry will be added to the devices list with the new phase selections. When the document transitions from Unissued to Issued in Real Time, the new phase changes will be activated.
The Object Focus button () focuses the Viewer 1 window on the selected device.
Grounds displays the devices that the safety document will protect and validate the grounds on.
Table Columns
Edit State (untitled): an iconic representation of the edited state of the device in the Unissued state. The edits will be applied when the document is issued. When working in Study mode, the edit state indicators will remain visible until the document is issued in real time.
: The device has been marked for removal.
: The device has been added to the device list and will require a ground condition the next time the document is issued.
Device: the device that should be protected with a ground before the document can be issued.
Phases: the device phases to be checked.
Toolbar Buttons
Screen capture of Record button showing a red filled circle followed by the word ’Record" / Screen capture of Stop button showing a blue filled square followed by the word ’Stop": Toggles recording of devices off or on. Grounds list allows users to record devices via selections from the viewer. To enable this feature, simply turn on recording and select devices in the Viewer.
The Add Device... button () allows you to manually add a device to the list.
The Undo Device Edit button () allows you to undo an addition or removal of a device from the list. This option is only available when making device modifications in the Unissued state.
The Remove Device button () allows you to remove a selected device from the Grounds device list.
The Change Phases button () brings up a Select Phases dialog box. From the dialog box, new phases for the device can be selected. See Select Phases Dialog Box for details.
The Object Focus button () focuses the Viewer 1 window on the selected device.
Other Devices is a text field that allows you to enter a list of non-modeled devices.
Note: An entry is required in at least one of these fields: Grounds, Tag Points, or the Other Devices.
Nominal Feeder displays the feeders for the devices listed in the Tag Points and/or Grounds devices list.
The Update button () is used to populate the Nominal Feeders field with the list of Feeders associated to the linked switching sheet step devices and the devices listed on the safety document.
The Reset Feeder Value button () is used to replace the safety document's current feeders value with the associated switching sheet Nominal Feeders field value when the safety document was created. The switching sheet's Nominal Feeders field is found on the Request tab.
Nominal Substation displays the nominal substations for the devices listed in the Tag Points and/or Grounds list. To alter this value, enter your new value into the field.
The Update button () is used to populate the Nominal Substation field with the list of substations associated to the linked switching sheet step devices and the devices listed on the safety document.
The Reset Substation Value button () is used to replace the safety document's current substation value with the associated switching sheet Nominal Substation field value. The switching sheet's Nominal Substation field is found on the Request tab.
Current Feeder displays the current feeders for the devices listed in the Tag Points and/or Grounds list. This value is read-only and will dynamically update as long as the safety document is loaded.
Current Substation displays the current substations for the devices listed in the Tag Points and/or Grounds list. This value is read-only and will dynamically update as long as the safety document is loaded.
Assigned Crews displays a table list of the Crew IDs of the crews that the safety document has been issued to, as well as each crew's mobile number, mobile carrier, alternate number, alternate number type, pager number, and crew type. The crew IDs are auto-populated with the value from the Instructed To field in the safety state transition switching step. A crew is required in this list before an Issue safety state transition step can be completed in real-time.
To select a crew to assign to this safety document, click the Select Crew... () button to open the Select Safety Crew dialog box. See Assigning Crews to a Safety Document.
To display the selected crew information, click the Crew Info... () button.
To indicate whether the crew is issued or clear of the zone defined by the safety document, click the Crew Issued/Clear () button and select either Issued or Clear. The Position column will be updated with the status.
To delete crews from this list, click the crews and then click the Remove Crews button (). At least one crew must remain assigned while the document is in the Issued state.
Description is a text field that allows you to enter notes for the safety document.
Audit Log contains the following information:
Table Fields:
Date: the date and time of each entry.
Description: a description of the state change or device operation.
Device: the device associated with the step.
User: the name of the user who recorded the action.
Phases: the phases affected.
Crews: the crew identifiers pertaining to the audit log entry.
The Comment section of the Audit Log pane allows you to add a comment to the log.
Edit Log tracks the changes made to the entry fields of the document. It contains the following information:
Date: the date and time of each entry.
User: the name of the user who recorded the action.
State: the state of the safety document when the entry was added.
Field: The name of the field that was updated.
Previous Value: The previous value of the field before the update.
Creating a Safety Document from a Switching Sheet
Devices may be added automatically to a Safety Document by creating a safety document from step selections within the Steps list of the originating switching sheet. You may create a safety document in two ways:
1. Create a Safety Document for a Selected Step:
On the Steps tab, select the steps to which you want the safety document associated. For instance, select Hold Tag steps and Grounding steps to create Hold safety documents. These steps then define the isolation and grounding points for the safety document.
Click the Create Safety Document for Selected Step toolbar button ().
If the selected step maps to multiple types of safety documents, the Select Safety Type dialog box prompts you to select the document type. For example, if you select only Grounding steps, then the Select Safety Type Dialog allows you to choose Clearance, Hold, or Hot as the safety document type.
Your selected step must conform or map to at least one safety document type. If a selected step does not map to a safety document type, the system will return an error message in the Invalid Step Selection dialog box. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Select the safety document type and click OK.
Note: For a list of step types to safety document types, see Mapping Step Types to Safety Document Types. The steps in the sheet will also be updated with an additional entry in the Operation text indicating which safety document the step is associated to.
2. Create a Safety Document Without Selecting a Step:
To create a safety document without selecting a step, click the Create Safety Document () button, which provides an context menu allowing you to select a specific safety document type or open the Select Safety Document Type dialog box.
If you select a safety document type, the new safety document will be created. If you select Select Safety Type Dialog..., the Select Safety Type dialog box will open allowing you to choose the document type. Select the safety document type, and click OK.
Assigning Crews to a Safety Document
The Select Safety Crew dialog box allows you to assign crews to the safety document. You may also create contractor crews from the Contractors tab. By default, the dialog box will open showing the crews listed on the parent switching sheet's Crews list. The Switching Sheet Crews tab will only be visible for safety documents associated to switching sheets.
Populating Crews from the Switching Sheet
Crews are automatically assigned to safety documents when the safety document is created from a switching sheet where the switching sheet has crews listed in the Crews list. If a subset of the switching sheet's crews should be used to populate the safety document's Crews list, then simply select the crews prior to creating the safety document from the switching sheet.
1. Add a list of crews to the switching sheet's Crews list.
2. Click the switching sheet's Create Safety Document button and select the desired safety document type.
The safety document will be created with a list of assigned crews matching the crews listed in the parent switching sheet. If none or all of the crews were highlighted in the switching sheet, then all of these crews will be assigned to the safety document. If a subset of the crews were highlighted in the switching sheet, then only those crews will be assigned to the safety document when it is created.
Selecting Crews from the System Crews List
To assign a standard (system) crew to the safety document:
1. Click the Select Crew... button () to open the Select Safety Crew dialog box
2. On the System Crews tab, select one or more crew rows in the table.
Note: You may Shift+Click to select multiple adjacent rows or Control+Click to select non-adjacent rows.
3. Click OK to assign the crews and close the dialog box.
Note: Click Apply to assign the selected crews without closing the dialog box. Crews will appear in the "Unknown" position.
Creating and Assigning Contractor Crews from the Contractor Entry Form
You may add a new contractor crew using the Contractor Entry Form. The created crews are assigned to the current safety document and added to the Contractor Crew List from which they may be assigned to other safety documents or switching sheets.
The form contains the following fields:
Crew ID: the crew name or identifier.
Contact: the name of the crew contact person.
Mobile #: the crew's mobile number.
Mobile Carrier: the wireless company providing service to the mobile phone or radio.
Alternate #: an alternate number for the crew.
Alternate Type: the crew's alternate number type (for example, home, personal mobile, and so on).
Pager #: the crew's pager number.
Type: crew option menu that allows you to choose the crew type.
Comments: text field for comments.
Create and Assign Crew (): assigns the new crew entry to the safety document and adds them to the contractor crew list.
Note: The Select Safety Crew dialog box closes once the add button () is clicked.
Clear Crew Fields (): clears the entry form.
Using the Contractor Crew List
The Contractor Crew List allows you to assign existing contractor crews to the safety document or populate the Contractor Entry Form to reuse crew data when creating additional contractor crews.
The form contains the following toolbar buttons:
Refresh Crew List (): refreshes the contractor crew list with the full list of active contractors found in the database.
Assign Crew (): assigns crews to the safety document.
Transfer Crew Data (): transfers the selected crew's data up to the Contractor Entry Form fields. This allows contractors to be copied with minimal effort.
Obsolete Crew (): obsoletes a crew so that it no longer shows up in the Contractor Crew List. If the crew is still part of an active safety document or switching sheet, an error will be generated. The crew is not deleted from the system as it is still needed for auditing purposes in completed switching sheets and safety documents.
Assigning an Existing Contractor Crew
1. Select the crew rows in the Contractor Crew List.
2. Click the Assign Crew button () to assign the crews to the sheet.
Assigning a New Contractor Crew Using Existing Crew Data
To create an additional contractor crew using data from an existing crew, do the following
1. In the Contractor Crew List, select the row with the desired crew data.
2. Click the Transfer Crew Data button () to copy the data to the Contractor Entry Form.
3. Edit the data for the new crew.
4. Click the Create and Assign Crew button () to assign the new crew to the safety document and add them to the Contractor Crew List.
Adding a Safety State Transition Step
Each safety state transition step performs a single action, such as issuing or releasing a safety document. To add safety state transition steps, do the following:
1. From a switching, create a new safety document. See Creating a Safety Document from a Switching Sheet for more information.
2. Validate that step recording is still turned on in the Steps tab.
3. Click the Issue button () on the safety document. A new safety state transition step is recorded into the switching sheet steps list. The Operation column of the step indicates the type of operation being performed.
Conditions associated to the devices in the Tag Points and Grounds lists have to be on the devices for the document to be issued. If the conditions are not on the devices, an error dialog box will be displayed with the list of conditions that could not be found. The switching steps associated to those conditions will be highlighted in the switching sheet. This is mode specific, so when in study mode, the conditions have to be on the devices in your study session. Conditions are not required when only the Other Devices field is filled out.
When recording the safety state transition steps in Real-Time, the safety document must have an assigned crew before it can be issued. This is not a requirement when in Study mode.
4. Select the Release and Complete buttons on the safety document. New safety state transition steps are recorded into the Steps list for the Release and Complete operations.
5. Close the safety document.
Note: If you changed the Other Devices or Description field, you will be asked to save the changes. All other fields are automatically saved within the associated switching steps.
For instructions on executing safety state transition steps, see Executing Safety State Transition Steps.
Safety State Transition Failed Dialog Box
When a safety document is issued the conditions (tags and grounds) associated with it are locked. If some of the expected conditions are missing or fail to lock, the Safety Transition Failed dialog box is displayed. The Failed Safety Actions table contains the list of switching steps associated with the safety document, that caused the failure.
The switching steps placing those conditions will be highlighted on the Steps tab. Affected rows in the Tag Points and the Ground devices lists in the safety document will also be highlighted.
Editing the Device List
The Tag Points and Grounds device lists on the Hot, Hold, Clearance, Delegated Control, Information, and Warning safety documents may only be altered when in the New or Unissued states.
Adding Devices to a Non-Execute Safety Document
You can add additional devices to a safety document through one of three ways.
The first method involves associated steps with devices to the safety document. The second method allows you to added devices directly to the safety document through device selections in the Viewer. The third method uses the Add Device dialog box, from which you can enter or search for a device to be added to the list.
Step Association Method
The step association method is accomplished by doing the following:
1. Open a non-execute version of a safety document. (A non-execute version is loaded from the Safety Lists and the Control Tool. It displays a toolbar at the top of the dialog box and no Execute button at the bottom.)
From the associated switching sheet steps list, select the step with the device operation you want added to the safety document. For example, if you select an Add or Remove Tag step, the devices is added to the Tag Points list on the safety document dialog box. If you select a Ground step, the device is added to the Grounds list.
2. Click the Link Switching Step Device button () on the safety document dialog box. The new device is added to the appropriate device list.
If the selected step is already associated to a safety document, then an error dialog box indicates which safety document the step is already associated to.
If the select step type is not configured for the safety document type, then an error will be displayed indicating the step that does not conform to the configured step to safety document type rules. For a list of step types to safety document types, see Mapping Step Types to Safety Document Types.
Device Recording Method
The device recording method is accomplished by doing the following:
1. Open a non-execute version of a safety document. (A non-execute version is loaded from the Safety Lists and the Control Tool. It displays a toolbar at the top of the dialog box without an Execute button.)
2. Click the Record button on the Tag Points toolbar to turn recording on for that device list.
3. In the Viewer, select devices that should be added to the Tag Points device list.
Safety Document Add Device Dialog Method
Using the Safety Document Add Device dialog box, devices can be added to the Tag Points list by doing the following:
1. Open a non-execute version of a safety document. (A non-execute version is loaded from the Safety Lists and the Control Tool. It displays a toolbar at the top of the dialog box without an Execute button.)
2. Click the Add Device button () found on the Tag Points toolbar. The Safety Document Add Device dialog box is displayed.
3. From the dialog box, enter part or all of a device alias. The search button () can be used to find a device from a partial device id.
4. Select the appropriate phases for the device.
5. Click Add Device (). The device will be added to the Tag Points list with the indicated phases.
6. Continue to add devices and when completed, click Close.
Removing Devices
You can remove devices from a device list in two ways.
Option 1
1. Open a non-execute version of a safety document. (A non-execute version is loaded from the Safety Lists and the Control Tool. It displays a toolbar at the top of the dialog box without an Execute button.)
2. Select the device you would like to remove from the Tag Points or Grounds list.
3. Click the Remove Device button () from the appropriate device list toolbar. The device is removed from the list if the document is in the New state or is marked for removal if the document is in the Unissued state
Option 2
1. From the associated switching sheet steps list, select the step with the device operation that you want removed from the safety document. For instance, if you select an Add or Remove tag step, the device will be removed from the Tag Points list. If you select a Ground step, the device will be removed from the Grounds list.
2. Click the Unlink From a Safety Document button () on the Steps tab toolbar. The device is removed from the safety document's device list if the document is in the New state or is marked for removal if the document is in the Unissued state.
Note: The Unlink From a Safety Document button can only be used for devices in the safety document that are associated to steps. Devices added without step associations will have to be removed using Option 1 described above.
Adding a Comment to the Audit Log
The Comment section of the Audit Log pane allows you to add a comment to the log. Select the Comment field and enter a comment; click the Add button () to add the comment to the Audit Log.
Executing Safety State Transition Steps
Once a safety state transition step has been recorded, executing (completing) the step causes the Execute Safety Step dialog box to be displayed. This dialog box looks just like the original safety document dialog box except that it has no toolbar and it displays two buttons: Execute and Cancel. Use this dialog box to verify that the safety document information is correct, and then click Execute to execute the step.
When a tag step with an associated safety document is executed, the Control Tool executes placement of the appropriate tag (Hold, Hot, Clearance, and so on) on the device. The symbol on the device indicates that a condition exists on the device, that the area has not been issued to the crew, and is not yet isolated. After the safety document has been issued, the symbol on the device changes to indicate that the tag is under the control of the safety document. For example, if configured in your project, a Hold tag may change to indicate Hold with a small lock symbol next to it. When a tag changes to a locked state, the safety document must be released before the tags can be removed using the Control Tool. Likewise, when the safety document is transitioned to the Unissued state, the tag symbols on the devices will change to indicate that they are still part of an active safety document, but are in a state to where they can be removed; they are allowed to be removed so that the zone of coverage for the safety document can be altered while in the Unissued state.
For more information, see one of the following topics:
Issuing Safety Documents
Safety documents are issued when an Issue safety document switching step is completed and the Execute button is clicked on the safety document.
Note: The appropriate tag type must be placed on the device prior to the safety document being issued. For example, to issue a Hold document, you must place a Hold tag on the device before the safety document can be issued. This only pertains to devices associated to switching steps. Devices not associated to steps will automatically have conditions placed on the them when the document is issued.
When a safety document is transitioned from the Unissued state to the Issued state, all of the pending device list changes will be applied. If the transition is initiated in real-time mode, then any devices marked for removal will be removed from the list and related audit log entries will be created for each device change.
Once a safety document is issued:
Crews are transitioned to the "Issued" position.
You cannot complete, delete, or reissue the safety document. The device lists cannot be altered while in the Issued state.
The only state related button options available on the safety document dialog box are Unissue and Release.
The Viewer displays a symbol on all devices that are specified in the safety document to indicate that the safety document has been issued.
Grounds Check
When an attempt is made to issue a safety document, the devices listed in the Grounds list are all required to have grounds. The document cannot be issued until the grounds exist on the listed devices. Once the safety document is issued, the grounds on those devices cannot be removed without acknowledging that they will be removed out from under an issued safety document. The Grounds Check dialog box is displayed to the user when they attempt to remove the last ground on a device that is linked to an issued safety document. If the device has multiple grounds, then only the last ground to be removed will be flagged as being required by a safety document.
The Grounds Check dialog box will give you a list of safety documents linked to the ground that is about to be removed. Double clicking on any of the safety document entries will cause the document to be loaded. You can also right-click on the entry and select the Open... menu option.
If you determine that the ground can be safely removed out from under the listed safety documents, then select the Continue button. This will cause the ground to be removed and audit log entries will be added to each of the affected safety documents indicating when, on which device and who removed the ground condition. The Cancel button can be pressed to cancel the entire Remove Condition operation.
Issuing Safety Documents Manually
To issue a safety document manually:
1. Open the safety document (if it is not already open) by selecting the document on the Safety Documents tab and clicking the Open button.
2. Click Issue on the open safety document. A symbol appears on all devices that are specified in the safety document to indicate that the safety document has been issued.
Note: If you manually Issue a safety document in real-time mode, a safety state transition step is automatically recorded to the Steps list, regardless of whether step recording is turned on. This is the audit of the safety documents transitions.
Issuing Safety Documents While Executing Steps
To issue a safety document through step execution:
1. From the Steps List, select the Issue safety state transition step and click the Complete button. The Execute Safety Step dialog box opens, and the Execute and Cancel buttons are enabled.
Note: When instructing safety state transition steps in real-time mode, the safety document dialog box is not displayed. It is only displayed when the step is completed.
2. Click the Execute button. A symbol appears on all devices in the Viewer that are specified in the safety document to indicate that the safety document has been issued. The safety state transition step is also marked as Completed.
If any of the devices in the Tag Points list were not associated to switching steps, then conditions will be applied to the devices first. After all the conditions are on the devices, then the conditions will be changed to indicate that they are under the control of the safety document.
Releasing Safety Documents
Safety documents are released when switching steps associated to a releasing safety document are completed and the safety document's Execute button is clicked. The symbol for the safety document is removed from the device in the Viewer and the original tag symbols are placed back onto the device. At this point the Safety Document can either be reissued to a different crew or completed.
Note: Safety Documents cannot be released if any crews are still in the "Issued" position. Crews need to be "Clear" to proceed.
Releasing Safety Documents Manually
To release a safety document manually:
Note: The document must already be issued before it can be released.
1. Open the safety document (if it is not already open) by selecting the document on the Safety Documents tab and click Open.
2. In the safety document, click Release. The symbol for the safety document is removed from the device and the original tag symbols are placed on the device.
Note: If you manually release a safety document in real-time mode, a safety state transition step is automatically recorded to the Steps list, regardless of whether step recording is turned on. This is the audit of the safety documents transitions.
Releasing Safety Documents While Executing Steps
To release a safety document through step execution:
1. From the Steps List, select the Release safety state transition step and click Complete. The Execute Safety Step dialog box opens, and the Execute and Cancel buttons are enabled.
Note: When instructing safety state transition steps in real-time mode, the safety document dialog box is not displayed. It is only displayed when the step is completed.
2. Click Execute. The symbol for the safety document is removed from the devices and the original tag symbols are placed on the devices. The safety state transition step is also marked as Completed.
Deleting a Safety Document
Safety documents can be marked as Deleted from the associated switching sheets Safety Documents tab. Safety documents can only transition to the Deleted state when they do not have safety state transition steps linked to them in the switching sheet's Steps list. Attempting to mark a safety document as Deleted with linked safety state transition steps will result in an error dialog box. You will need to delete the safety state transition steps before the safety document can be marked as Deleted.
To mark a safety document as Deleted:
1. Navigate to the associated switching sheets Safety Documents tab.
2. From the safety documents list, select the document entry, and click Delete. The document will be marked as Deleted. Safety documents can only be marked as Deleted when in the New state.
Delegating Control of a Network Area
When you issue a DCZ Safety document, the system delegates the segment of the network bounded by the listed devices. No operations are allowed on any devices in the segment until the document is released.
Note: All of the conductors in the delegated area recolor to the Delegated color, which can be seen in the Viewer Legend (see Changing the Coloring Mode on page 2-65 for additional information on Viewer coloring).
Your devices must completely bound an area to be considered adequate for Delegated Control. That is, there should be no alternate way to feed any of the devices in the area. This can be a lot of devices if you model secondary backfeed devices.
Note: If you do not want to select these backfeed devices, make those device classes inherit from implicit_isolate in your <project>_inheritance.dat file.
Safety Document List
The Safety Document List is a tool used to manage active safety documents and any safety documents associated to switching sheets that have been completed in the last 30 days. To load safety documents no longer available in the Safety Document List, use the Search Safety Document window.
The Safety Document List will load the full list from the database when it is first displayed. After the initial load of the data, the list will dynamically update with changes from all users on the system. Dynamic updates happen periodically at 15 second intervals. A safety document's updates will only be broadcast out to the other users once it has been saved to the database.
The full list of safety documents will be queried from the database when you alter your subscribed zones via the Authority tool. The full list will also be queried if you select the Refresh button from the Actions menu. Once the full list has been loaded, the list will go back to being dynamically updated.
The Safety Document List serves as the primary mechanism from which to load safety documents outside or not associated to switching sheets. You can either double click on a single entry or highlight multiple entries and click the Open... toolbar option.
Note: When loading multiple safety documents, a progress bar will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Once an open request has been initiated, it cannot be canceled, but the system does restrict you from having more than 15 switching sheets open at any one time. Each safety document is linked to a switching sheet.
The Safety Document List will be filtered based on the control zones you are subscribed to. The device listed on the parent sheet's Request tab determines the control zone that a safety document is associated with; however, if no device is entered, then the safety document will fall within the FUZZY zone.
Menu and Toolbar Features
This section lists and describes the menu options and toolbar icons available in the Safety Document List.
File Menu
The table below describes the options available on the File menu.
Menu Option
Opens the selected safety documents and their associated switching sheets. If the window is not pinned or docked, the window will be closed once the safety documents are loaded.
Note: If the safety is locked by another user, the Failed to Establish User Lock dialog box will be displayed; see Opening Locked Documents for information.
Export Table...
Opens a dialog box to allow you to save the current table view data to a comma separated value (csv) file.
Displays the Print Preview dialog box so you can view or print the list.
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the Safety Document List window.
Sort Menu
The table below describes the options available on the Sort menu.
Menu Option
Sort Dialog...
Opens the Sort dialog, allowing you to create, modify, apply, and save user-defined sorts. See Using the Sort Dialog Box.
Doc #
Applies the default sort, which is the doc # in descending order.
Actions Menu
The table below describes the options available on the Actions menu.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Refresh the safety document list with the latest data from the database.
Unpin the window so that it will close after an open safety document request.
Pin the window so that it will not close after an open safety document request.
Note: The icon shows the current state (that is, unpinned).
Help Menu
The table below describes the options available on the Help menu.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Safety Document List Help
Opens the online help system to the Safety Document List help content.
Safety Document List Data Fields
The Safety Document List provides a tabular view of the safety document. The sort and filter criteria are displayed above the table.
The Status column displays the status of the safety document.
The Type column displays the safety document type.
The Doc # column displays the safety document number.
The Sheet # column displays the switching sheet the document is associated to.
The Nominal Feeder, Current Feeder, Nominal Substation, and Current Substation columns display values as displayed on the safety document.
The Issued Date column displays the date the document was last issued.
The Crews column displays the crews the document was issued to.
The Description is the description of the safety document as entered on the document.
The Released Date displays the date the document was last released.
The Completed Date displays the date the document was completed.
Understanding the Safety Document List Filter Pane
The Safety Document List provides the following Global filters.
Global Filter
Displays all the active safety documents (safety documents with statuses of Issued, Unissued, and Released).
Displays all safety documents and safety documents associated to completed switching sheets from the last 30 days.
Displays safety documents that are in the Completed state that are not associated to a switching sheet that has been completed longer than 30 days.
Displays all safety documents in the Issued state.
Displays all safety documents in the New state.
Opening Existing Safety Documents
Note: If the sheet is locked by another user, the Failed to Establish User Lock dialog box will be displayed; see Opening Locked Documents for information.
From the Web Workspace File Menu
1. Select Open and then Safety Documents… The Safety Documents List appears.
2. Select the safety document you want to open and click the Open button or double-click on the document in the list. The safety document is opened. If the safety document is associated with a switching sheet, the switching sheet will also open.
From the Web Workspace Search Safety Document Dialog
To search for an existing safety document:
1. From the Web Workspace File menu, select Safety Document Search... from the Open option.
2. In the Search Safety Document dialog box, enter the desired text to search and press Enter or click the Search () button.
Note: The search results will be filtered based on the parent sheet's master device NCG and your subscribed zones of authority. The NCG for stand alone safety documents will be determined by the device populated in the safety document's Device field. The filtering of the results, based on NCG, will not apply to the Administration user type.
Open a Safety Document from an Open Switching Sheet
1. Click the Safety Documents tab.
2. Select the safety document you want to open and click the Open button or double-click the document in the list. The safety document dialog box is displayed.
Open a Safety Document from a Switching Step on the Steps Tab
1. Right-click on one or more steps that have safety document associations, then select Load Safety Documents… from the context menu. The safety document dialog boxes are displayed.
Note: Steps with associated safety documents display the document type and number displayed in the Operation step column.
Open a Safety Document from the Control Tool
1. For active safety documents, double-click a device in the Viewer.
2. From the Control Tool, click Safety Documents… and then select Open Safety Documents... from the submenu.
If only one safety document is currently active on this device, then the safety document dialog box is displayed.
If multiple safety documents are active, the Device to Safety Document List displays a list of safety documents for the device. The list includes only safety documents that are part of an active sheet and documents that were completed in the last 30 days. Select the safety document you want to load from this list.
The safety document and the associated switching sheet are opened. The safety document will be opened in the same mode that the Control Tool is in.
Completing Safety Documents
When you have completed all steps in a switching sheet, you should complete all safety documents associated with the sheet.
To complete a safety document, use either of the following methods.
Option 1
1. Follow the steps described above to open the safety document.
2. Click the Complete button on the safety document dialog box.
Note: Once completed, the document is locked from further editing. When manually completing a safety document in real-time mode, the action is automatically recorded in the associated switching sheet's Steps list.
Any devices in the Tag Points list, that were not associated to steps, will have their conditions removed.
3. Repeat these steps for all safety documents associated with the switching sheet.
Option 2
1. Record a Complete safety state transition step (as described in the previous sections) and use that step to complete the safety document. Repeat for all safety documents associated with the switching sheet.
Aborting Safety Documents
If a switching sheet is aborted, you will need to abort any associated safety documents before you can complete the switching sheet.
Note: The Abort option is only available in real-time mode when the safety document is in the New state.
To abort a safety document, follow these steps:
1. Click the Safety Documents tab.
2. Double-click the safety document you want to abort.
3. Click the Abort button on the toolbar.
4. When prompted, confirm you action.
Switching Sheet Associations
Safety documents can be associated to different switching sheets and even disassociated and converted into a stand alone safety document. Safety documents can only be associated to different sheets or disassociated if the safety document does not have any switching sheet step links. An error will be issued to you if you attempt to disassociate or move a safety document that has linked switching sheet steps. A safety document's type and number will be displayed in the step's Operation column if a link exists.
When disassociating a safety document from a switching sheet, a confirmation dialog box will be displayed to you. You must confirm the operation before the disassociation will proceed. When the document is disassociated, it will be converted into a stand alone safety document. The audit log of the switching sheet and the safety document will indicate when and who initiated the operation.
Safety document associations originate from the Switching Sheet Association dialog box. This dialog box allows you to select a sheet from a list of switching sheets you already have loaded or you can search for a particular switching sheet in the system. Completed switching sheets and switching sheets that cannot accept safety document associations will be filtered out of the list. Safety document association changes will result in audit log entries in the original switching sheet along with the target switching sheet and the safety document.