Using the Feeder Load Summary
The Feeder Load Summary, available from the Web Workspace Tools menu, provides an overview of feeder performance. The data shows closest-in-time alarms, worst case loads, and present loads of all the feeders within your subscribed control zone authority.
Menus and Toolbar
The Feeder Load Summary window provides the following menu and toolbar options.
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Prints the Feeder Load Summary table.
Export FLM History...
Exports Measurement and Verification data into a file.
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the Feeder Load Summary window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Focus the Viewer on the selected feeder.
Feeder Load Management Tool...
Opens and/or updates the Feeder Load Management Tool window. This button is disabled until you select rows in the Feeder Load Summary table with available FLM data. If multiple rows are selected, the Feeder Load Management window displays details for multiple feeders.
Show Errors and Statistics...
Displays the FLM Feeder Errors, Warnings, and Details dialog box that displays model warnings and errors for the selected feeder solution.
Re-enable Island
The Re-enable Island action is enabled for Administration users when selecting a row with a Non-Convergent, Inconclusive, or Solution Failed. The action tells Power Flow services to attempt to solve the island for the next forecast.
Note: This action is also available from the right-click context menu.
View Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Earliest Alarms
The Earliest Alarms list shows closest in time problems for each feeder. The list is sorted by the Date/Time column showing earlier problems first. If a feeder does not have any violations or warnings in the next 6 days, it will not be presented in the list.
See note.
Worst Case
The Worst Case list shows worst Feeder Condition for each feeder in the next 6 days. The list is sorted by the score showing worse problems first.
See note.
Present Loads
The Present Loads list shows the current loads, sorted by score.
See note.
Note: The view options may be selected from the drop-down list on the toolbar
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Feeder Load Summary Help
Launches online help for Feeder Load Summary.
Status Bar
The Feeder Load Summary window status bar displays the user type: Administration, Full Operations plus Switching, or View Only.
The Administration user's status bar provides access to the resolve and re-forecast function.
The resolve and re-forecast () starts a new Feeder Load Management calculation. If a calculation is already in progress, the system will return a message that a forecast is in progress and that changes will be reflected in the next solution, which will begin immediately after the in-progress calculation is completed.
Understanding the Feeder Load Summary Data Table
The Feeder Load Summary window displays a table shows a list of feeders and their conditions and attributes. By default, the Earliest Alarms view is displayed. Other available views are Worst Case Loads and Present Loads. To switch between views, select the desired option from the View menu or from the drop-down list in the toolbar.
Feeder Load Summary Filter Pane
The Feeder Load Summary provides the following standard Global filters:
Filter Name
Show all feeders.
Violations Only
Show only feeders with violations.
Violations and Warnings
Show only feeders with violations or warnings.
The Feeder Load Management Summary table also supports Quick Sorting, Dynamic Filtering, and Auto Filtering.
Feeder Load Summary Table Columns
The Feeder Load Management Summary table displays the following columns.
Substation: The substation name.
Feeder: The feeder name. This column displays a yellow background for feeders with abnormal data quality or/and data source for any of the phases. See Data Source and Data Quality and Feeder/Device Condition Names and Colors for more details.
Feeder Condition: Violation or warning (if any) on a feeder. When multiple violations/warnings occur on a feeder, this column shows the highest-level violation. See Feeder Conditions for more information.
Date/Time: Date and time for the displayed feeder condition.
Phase: The phase with the maximum capacity utilization.
Util %: Feeder head utilization capacity.
Amps: Electrical current on the phase with the maximum capacity utilization.
kW: Active power on the phase with the maximum capacity utilization. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVAr: Reactive power on the phase with the maximum capacity utilization. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVA: Apparent power on the phase with the maximum capacity utilization.
kV: Voltage on the phase with the maximum capacity utilization.
Updated: Date and time of the last update for the feeder (only for Earliest Alarms and Worst Case Loads Views).
Score: EDA score of the feeder at the time of the condition.
# Alarms: Total number of alarms on the feeder at the time.
PF Mode: The type of solution used to solve the feeder (kVA or Power Flow).
FLISR: The mode that FLISR is set to (Disabled, Manual, Automatic).
FLM: The FLM status for the feeder (Forecasting, Real-Time, Disabled).
Optimization: The Optimization status (Enabled, Disabled).
FLA: The mode that FLA is set to (Enabled/Disabled).
Optimization Objective: The objective for Optimization (Loss Minimization, Conservation Voltage Reduction, Power Factor Correction, or None).
Protection Schemes: Displays whether dynamic protection schemes are disabled or in manual or automatic mode.
Protection Schemes Mode: Displays whether protection scheme steps appear before or after the restoration switch step in Suggested Switching and FLISR switching plans.
Feeder Type: the feeder type.
PF History: the status of PF History (Enabled/Disabled).
Data Source and Quality Information Balloon
The data source and data quality balloon ()displays feeder head data source and data quality information for the selected row. See Data Source and Data Quality for more information.
Feeder Conditions
Feeder Load Management displays feeder conditions, including warning and violations, in the Feeder Condition columns of the Feeder Load Summary and the Feeder Load Management Tool. Feeders that present no abnormal conditions at all are reported as Normal.
Abnormal Conditions
Abnormal conditions fall into 3 categories:
Warnings: These conditions represent situations on the feeder when a device is approaching a limit. For example, the High Voltage Warning indicates that a distribution supply transformer is close to exceeding the (configured) upper limit.
Violations: These conditions represent situations on the feeder when a device has breached a limit. For example, the High Voltage Violation indicates that a distribution supply transformer has exceeded the (configured) upper limit.
Errors: These conditions represent the inability of the power flow engine to achieve a result.
Warnings and Violations
Warnings and Violations have the following categories:
Backfeed: A device has been detected to have real power flow in the reverse direction.
Under Voltage: A device's voltage is at the low end of permissible operation
Over Voltage: A device's voltage is at the high end of permissible operation
Switch Overload: The current flowing through a switch is close to (or exceeding) rated value
DistTrans Overload: The power flowing through a distribution transformer is close to (or exceeding) rated value
Feeder Capacity: The current flowing through a Feeder Head Breaker is close to (or exceeding) rated value
Conductor Overload: The current flowing through a conductor is close to (or exceeding) rated value.
Unprotected Ground Violation: The device is not adequately protected from ground faults by the upstream protective device.
Ground Reach Violation: The protective device does not provide adequate protection for ground faults on at least one downstream device.
Unprotected Phase Violation: The device is not adequately protected from phase/line faults by the upstream protective device.
Ground Phase Violation: The protective device does not provide adequate protection for phase/line faults on at least one downstream device.
PowerTrans Overload: The current flowing through a Substation Transformer is close to (or exceeding) rated value.
DistGen Time-to-Live (TTL): The distributed generator time to live is expected to expire (or has already expired) indicating the unit is close to running out of fuel/charge or already has.
DistGen Overload: The distributed generator sustaining a section of the network in island mode is overloaded.
Model Error: A device is determined to have invalid data attributes prior to attempting power flow solutions
Inconclusive: The power flow engine could not converge on a solution. The solution details may give more information about the failures.
Inconclusive SCADA: The feeder is an electrical island that contains a suspect SCADA related feeder. This means there is some question about the integrity of the results island-wide.
Suspect SCADA: The data from SCADA can't be matched to a power flow solution. This could mean that a device in the field has changed state and the NMS is unaware. There could be modeling or SCADA issues.
Solution Failed: The power flow engine diverged from a stable solution. This indicates a problem with the electrical model, for example an incorrect attribute or connection on a service. The solution details will give more information about the failures and identify the area where the problem occurs.
Inconclusive Solution: The power flow engine could not converge on a stable solution. That is, after the configurable number of iterations had been reached, the engine was still finding significant discrepancies. This indicates a problem with the electrical model, for example an incorrect attribute or connection on a service. The solution details will give more information about the failures, and identify the area where the problem occurs.
Neutral Current Overload: The current flowing through a neutral conductor is close to (or exceeding) rated value.
Voltage Angle Violation: The difference in phase angles on the two sides of the open switch exceeds the configured limit.
Conditions Coloring
The Feeder Conditions column uses the following color-coding:
Red: Violations Exist
Yellow: Warnings Exist
Green: No Warnings/Violations Exist.
See Feeder/Device Condition Names and Colors for a list of feeder/device conditions and their corresponding cell and text coloring.
Feeder Errors and Warnings
The Feeder Errors and Warnings dialog box lists specific device errors and warnings for each feeder that may prevent the system from solving power flow solutions.
1. Select a row in the Feeder Load Summary.
2. Select Show Errors and Statistics... from the Feeder Load Summary Actions menu. The Feeder Errors and Warnings dialog box will open.
The Feeder Errors and Warnings table displays the following information:
Feeder: the name of the feeder with possible model errors or warnings.
Device: the name of a device on the feeder with possible model errors or warnings.
Severity: the error or warning type.
Message: the error or warning message returned.
3. You may inspect a listed device's attributes and connections by selecting a row and clicking the Viewer focus button () and then launching Device Details (see Displaying Device Details).