Failure Profiles

Failure profiles group failure types, failure modes, failure repairs, and failure components into a profile which can be attached to an asset type to define valid failure information for assets of that type. Effective use of failure profiles can help to ensure that assets run without fail, increase cost effectiveness, improve machine uptime, and help your organization to understand the level of risk you have undertaken with certain assets.

Generally the process includes the following:
  • Define Failure Modes Effects and Critically Analysis:
    • Identify assets, asset functionality, and the standards of performance for those assets.
    • List all possible ways that the assets could fail and provide the required functions.
    • Provide detail on the types of events that could cause these failures.
    • Identify the effects on the system when failures happen.
  • Define the following according to your business practices:
    • Failure Cause: Describes what caused the failure. For example, too much exposure to sunlight, too little or too much lubrication, too much moisture, and so on.
    • Failure Mode: Describes the result of the failure to the asset, such as broken, bent, corroded, and contaminated.
    • Failure Repairs: Indicates how the failure will be corrected. For example, adjusted, repaired, rebuilt, or cleaned.
    • Failure Component: Indicates the part of the asset which has failed.
  • Indicate the maintenance that can be performed to prevent or avoid such failures. This maintenance contains cost effective tasks to preserve functions that are important to the system.