Shortcut Key Summary
The following table summarizes the keyboard shortcuts (hot keys) available in the system:
It is possible that your specific product supports additional shortcut keys. Refer to your product documentation for more information.
It is possible that some of the following system accelerator keys may duplicate shortcuts, or hot keys, that are predefined within your browser. If this is the case, the browser's functionality commonly takes precedence.
It is possible that your implementation uses one of the accelerator keys listed below for a different purpose. For example, in some languages, a shortcut key may be used for a special character in the alphabet not included on all keyboards. It is possible to turn off any of the Alt+letter shortcuts and Ctrl+Alt+letter shortcuts listed below using a properties file entry. The property is ouaf.shortcut.ignore.altKeys= where one or more letters may be entered separated by a comma. When setting this property, the system automatically enables a 'potential alternate key' for certain functions (see the table below). Refer to the Server Administration Guide for more information about the property.
Accelerator Key
Potential Alternate Key (see Note above)
Opens the Admin Menu.
Returns to the previous page on which you were working. This is the equivalent of clicking the Back arrow.
Launches the Bookmark dialog. This is the equivalent of clicking the Bookmark button.
Alt+C, Ctrl+Alt+C, Alt+Shift+C
Clears the currently displayed object from the page. This is the equivalent of clicking the Clear button.
If the current step in the Script area has a Continue button, this shortcut is equivalent to clicking Continue.
Ctrl+Alt+D, Alt+D
Creates a duplicate of the object being displayed. Equivalent to clicking the Duplicate button.
Positions the user's cursor to the Search input field.
If the Script area is open and you are working on a different area of the page, this key returns focus to the script area. Focus returns to either the first available input field or to a "default" button if no input field is available.
Returns to the most recent page that was displayed when the Back arrow was clicked. Equivalent to clicking the Forward arrow.
Opens a dropdown list of recently-visited pages, the equivalent of clicking the History icon.
Minimizes the dashboard. It also expands the dashboard, if it was minimized.
Transfers you to To Do Entry - Main for the current item in the To Do list. Pressing Alt+K while on this page takes you to the first To Do entry on the list.
Logs the user out of the system. This is equivalent to clicking the Logout menu item.
Opens the Menu.
Displays the next entry in the search results. Equivalent to clicking Next Item.
Navigates to the user's home page. Equivalent to clicking the Home icon.
Opens your User Preferences page. Equivalent to clicking the Preferences menu item.
Displays the previous entry in the search results. Equivalent to clicking Previous Item.
Opens the business process assistant, where you can select a script that walks you through a business process.
Alt+R Ctrl+Alt+R
Refreshes the page with the last saved version of the object being displayed in the page. Equivalent to clicking the Refresh button.
Saves any changes that you've made on the database. Equivalent to clicking the Save button.
Opens the business process assistant, where you can select a script that walks you through a business process.
Opens the To Do Summary.
Ctrl+Shift+X, Ctrl+Shift+Z
If the Script area is open, equivalent to clicking the Close button in the script area. If a pop-up window is open, this closes the window.
Displays the previous item in the To Do list. Equivalent to clicking the Previous button in the Current To Do zone.
Displays the next item in the To Do list. Equivalent to clicking the Next button in the Current To Do zone.
Inserts a new row into an editable grid if the insertion point is in the grid. Equivalent to clicking the Insert button.
Removes a row from an editable grid if the insertion point is in the grid. Equivalent to clicking the Delete button.
Navigates to the next main page component area of the application. Refer to Page Components for the list of the main page components. Using Shift+Alt+[ reverses the sequence of navigation.
Navigates to the next zone. When you are on a portal with zones, this key brings you to the next zone in the portal. If you are on the last zone in the portal, the key brings you to the first zone on the dashboard, if visible. Keying through all the zones on the dashboard brings you to the first zone on the portal displayed in the main area. If the page displayed is a fixed page rather than a portal, this key will only navigate within the dashboard. Using Shift+Alt+] brings you to the previous zone.
Invokes online Help for the application. Equivalent to clicking the Help entry in the Help menu.
Alt+1 ...Alt+9, Alt+0
These keys are only applicable when a page / portal with multiple tabs is open. The shortcuts open the tab page whose relative position corresponds with the shortcut number. For example, if you press Alt+3 on a page with multiple tabs, the third tab is displayed. Alt+0 navigates to the 10th tab. If there are more than ten tabs on a page, you must use the mouse or F2/Shift+F2 to display additional tabs. Note that you cannot use the numeric keypad for these shortcuts.
Ctrl+1 ...Ctrl+9
Invokes the favorite link whose relative position corresponds with the shortcut number. For example, if you press Ctrl+3, the transaction for your third "favorite link" is invoked. Note that you cannot use the numeric keypad for these shortcuts.
Ctrl+Shift+1 ... Ctrl+Shift+9
Invokes the favorite script whose relative position corresponds with the shortcut number. For example, pressing Ctrl+Shift+2 selects the second of your "favorite scripts". The numeric keypad cannot be used for these shortcuts.
Alt+left arrow
Populates a scroll area with the previous entry. Equivalent to clicking the scroll control left scroll control.
Alt+right arrow
Populates a scroll area with the next entry. Equivalent to clicking the scroll control right scroll control.
Enter when in a field with an adjacent Search button
Invokes the search. Equivalent to clicking the Search Button.
Enter when a row in a search result grid is highlighted
Selects the item and closes the search. Note that after selecting an item from the search results, you can press Alt+N or Alt+P to scroll up or down through other items in the result grid without returning to the search results.
Enter when a menu item is highlighted
Selects the menu item.
Enter when the insertion point is within a tree node
Equivalent to clicking on the item in the tree:
If the insertion point is on a node image, the node is either expanded or collapsed, dependant on its current state.
If the insertion point is on a context menu, the context menu is opened and normal menu processing applies.
If the insertion point is on a "link" element, normal navigation processing occurs.
Tab when a row in a search result is highlighted
Highlights the next row.
Shift + Tab when a row in a search result is highlighted
Highlights the previous row.
Space when the insertion point is on a button
Equivalent to pressing the button.
Space when the insertion point is in a date/time field
Opens the date/time selection window.
Space when the insertion point is in a check box
Toggles the check box between checked and unchecked.
Page Up while in a list grid
Scrolls the contents of the list grid up approximately one page.
Page Down while in a list grid
Scrolls the contents of the list grid down approximately one page.
Up or Down Arrow when in a dropdown list
Moves to the next or previous value in the list. You can also press a letter key to locate the next value starting with that letter.
Up or Down Arrow keys when in search results
Highlights the next/previous row in search results.
Up, Down, Left or Right Arrow when using a menu
Highlights other menu items.
Esc when using a menu
Closes the menu.
Opens the next tab page when viewing a page / portal with multiple tabs.
Opens the previous tab page when viewing a page / portal with multiple tabs.