Stop Service

The Stop Service button is used to stop service for one or more premises.


that this functionality stops service for any account linked to the selected premises. If you want to stop service at the selected premises for only certain accounts, use the account filter criteria to narrow down the selection of premises prior to clicking Stop Service.

When clicked, the Stop SA Group Confirmation window opens.

In order to stop service for the selected premises, enter a Stop Date.

Enter a Restrict to Account if you want to stop only service agreements linked to this account. If not specified, all active services agreements for the premise are stopped regardless of the account.

Use Stop Requested By to indicate the name of the person who requested the stop.

Check Include Child Premises if the child premises in the hierarchy below the selected premises should also be stopped.

Click Show SA Groups to populate the remainder of the page.

The system builds a collection of service agreements currently linked to the service points for the selected premises. The grid contains the CIS Division and SA Type for each SA "group" and displays the number of service agreements in the SA Group Summary.

By default, the system checks each SA group assuming that you want to stop service for all SAs. You may uncheck any of the SA groups to not stop service for those SAs.

Click Stop. Standard stop logic is followed when clicking stop.


The stop button is disabled if changes are made to fields on the page that may impact the SA collection. You must click Show SA Groups to rebuild the SA collection and enable the stop button.