Adding Rebate Claims

You can also add rebate claims from the Rebate Claim Query portal. Use the following procedure to add a rebate claim:

  • Select Menu > Customer Information > Rebate Claim > Add, or click Add on the title bar of the Rebate Claim Search zone. The user is navigated to Control Central to select the customer filling the rebate claim. Click Continue once the correct account is in context.
  • Select the Conservation Program associated with the rebate claim and click OK.
  • Complete the Rebate Claim details, including:
    • Claim Date for the rebate claim
    • Customer Details
    • Contact Details
    • Premise Information
    • Payment Release Authorization Details
  • Click Save. The rebate claim is displayed on the Rebate Claim portal.
  • Edit the claim as needed in the Rebate Claim zone.
  • Add claim lines to the claim using the Rebate Claim Line zone.