Rebate Claim Zone

You use the Rebate Claim zone to view the details of rebate claims. The Rebate Claim zone opens when you first create a new rebate claim, or when you select a rebate claim on the Rebate Claim Search zone. The Rebate Claim zone displays the following information about the selected rebate claim:

  • Basic Information: information about the claim, including:
    • Conservation Program
    • Status (Pending, Issue Detected, Approval in Progress, Receipt Verification, Complete, or Canceled)
    • Rebate Claim number
    • Claim Date
    • Total Rebate Amount
  • Customer Details: details about the customer who submitted the claim, including:
    • Person
    • Account
    • Premise
    • Mailing Address
  • Contact Details: contact information for customer who submitted the claim, including:
    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • Fax Number
    • Email Address
  • Premise Information: information about the physical premise of the customer who submitted the claim, including:
    • Premise Property Type
    • Residential Property Type
    • Building Vintage
  • Payment Release Authorization Details: details about the person to whom the rebate payment should be made, including:
    • Authorized By
    • Authorization Date
    • Payee Name
    • Phone Number
    • Mailing Address
  • Issue Details: issues related to the rebate claim, including manually submitted issues as well as those detected through the Verify action.
  • Approval Details: details related to users assigned to approve the rebate claim, including:
    • Current Approver
  • Reject Details: details related to why a claim was rejected, including:
    • Reject Reason
    • Date Rejected
    • Rejected By

To view a different rebate claim, select the rebate claim from the Select a Rebate Claim drop- down list and click Go.