How To Process An Alternate Currency Payment

You can use the Payment Portal to add a payment event for a tender(s) in an alternate currency, i.e. a currency that differs from the account's currency. The following steps explain how to do this.

  • Open Menu > Financial > Payment Portal.
  • The Add CIS Payment Z one only expands if there's an account in context. To expand this zone, either search for an account using Control Central or use the Tender Search available on the Payment Portal.
  • Use the Add Payment button to add a payment for the account displayed in the zone.
  • The information displayed is the same as that on the Payment Event - Add Dialog, except for the following:
    • If your organization accepts payment tenders in alternate currencies, the Currency Converter button appears in the tender list
  • Use the Currency Converterbutton to enter the Tendered Amount and Tendered Currency in the alternate currency and click OK. The system will convert the alternate currency amount to the account's currency.
  • Click OK to save the payment and navigate to the appropriate page.
  • When you click the OK button, the system creates the payment event and tender(s). Each tender is linked to an appropriate tender control based on the currency of the tender.

Refer to Alternate Currency Payments for more information.