Sub SA State Transition

Sub SAs follow normal SA state transition rules, but have a few additional rules about when the transitions can take place.

The Sub-service Agreement Lifecycle is comprised of the Pending Start, Active, Pending Stop, Stopped, Closed, Cancelled, and Reactivated status. A sub service agreement can only become Active if the master service agreement is active. Stopping the master service agreements transitions the sub service agreement to the "Pending Stop" or "Stopped" status. A final billed master service agreement with a zero balance sets the sub service agreement status to "Closed".

The following points highlight the additional state transition rules:

  • A sub SA can only become Active if its master SA is Active. Most sub SAs are activated by the analyze SA relationships background process. However, a user can manually activate a sub SA using the activate button on the SA maintenance page.
  • Sub SAs become Pending Stop when their master becomes Stopped . This typically occurs when the SA activation background process stops the master SA. However, this can happen real time if a user manually stops a master SA using the stop button on the SA maintenance page.
  • A sub SA can only become Stopped if its master SA is Stopped . Most sub SAs are stopped by the analyze SA relationships background process. However, a user can manually activate a sub SA using the stop button on the SA maintenance page.
  • A sub SA becomes Closed if its master has been final billed and it has a balance of zero. Most sub SAs are closed when their balance becomes zero after the master SA is final billed. However, a user can manually close a sub SA using the close button on the SA maintenance page. Note, if additional billable charges are interfaced after the master has been closed, the sub SA will be Reactivated.