Field Activity - Characteristics/Remarks

Use this page to link additional information to the field activity requests.

Description of Page

Summary information about the Service Point where the activity will occur is displayed, as well as the service point's system-generated Service Point ID.

The Characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information about the field activity request.

To modify a characteristic, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new characteristic, click the plus button to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
  • Characteristic Type Indicates the type of characteristic.

  • Characteristic Value Indicates the value of the characteristic.


Default Note. A field activity's characteristics default from the field activity type.

Typically fieldwork related remarks are processed by service order field activities and if applicable a service task. In addition remarks can be added to the Remarks grid.

The Field Activity Remark Status is only relevant if a Field Activity Remark code has algorithms associated with it. The execution of the algorithm is performed by the field activity remark activation a background process (FACT).
  • When you add a remark that has an algorithm, the status is Pending . It remains in this state until the FACT process next runs.
  • When the FACT process next runs, if the system is successful in executing the algorithm, the status of the field activity remark may become Complete. If the system is not successful in executing the algorithm, the status becomes Error.