Migrating Scheduler Batch Stream Definitions

Scheduler Batch Stream Definitions can be migrated to other environments using the CMA (Configuration Migration Assistant) process or the Process Automation Tool.

Scheduler Batch Stream Definitions and Batch Scheduler Batch Controls are added in the target environment in the same status as the source environment. That is active scheduler batch stream definitions are added as active.

A Scheduler Batch Stream Definition should be marked as Inactive in source environment before migrating to target environment if it should not run as soon as it’s migrated.

Note: If a Scheduler Batch Stream is already scheduled in target environment and has next scheduled run date/time populated and the migration from source environment results in the stream having a different schedule, the new schedule will not be picked up by SaaS batch scheduler until the next run happens on the previously scheduled time. In order for the new schedule to take effect immediately, the scheduling details of the stream definition can be edited which resets the next scheduled run date/time so SaaS batch scheduler can re-determine next scheduled run date/time per new schedule.