Merchandise Segmentation - Installment Billing

If your organization allows customers to purchase merchandise using an installment plan, you must create a SA type for this.


No installments. If the customer must pay for the merchandise in one lump amount, you'd create an SA type similar to the Connection Charge Segmentation example.

CIS Division/

SA Type

Service Type



Debt Class

Bill Seg Type

Recurring Charge Control Info






Amount to bill is Not Allowed

Amount is Required

Frequency is Monthly

Recurring Amount Label is Install Amount

Notice the following about the new merchandise SA type:

  • It has a normal receivable distribution code.
  • It uses an interesting bill segment type - RECUR-AS. This bill segment type was set up to create recurring charges that stop when the customer no longer has a payoff balance.
  • The recurring charge control information is set up as defined.

Refer to the Description of Page under SA Type - Billing for the definition of the recurring charge attributes. Refer to Start Option Considerations For SA Types That Use Recurring Charges for how you can use start options to automatically populate a service agreement's recurring charge fields with appropriate values when service is started. Refer to Start Option Considerations For SA Types That Use Initial Adjustments for how you can use start options to automatically populate a service agreement's recurring charge fields with appropriate values when service is started.