Payment Upload Error Segmentation

If the payment upload process detects an invalid account on a payment upload record, it will create a payment for the suspense service agreement defined on the upload process' tender source (see Setting Up Tender Sources). You should create a special SA type for this service agreement.


For more information about the payment upload process, refer to Phase 3 - Create Payment Events, Tenders, Payments, and Payment Segments.

CIS Division/

SA Type

Service Type

Distrib. Code

Debt Class

Bill Seg Type





Not billed

Notice the following about the new SA type:

  • It has an interesting distribution code. This code should probably be a suspense account. All payment segments that are created for this service agreement will eventually be transferred to a "real" service agreement and therefore this GL account's balance should be zero when no payments are in suspense.
  • It doesn't need a bill segment type because the system never creates bill segments for such service agreements (it only has invalid account payment segments linked to it).
  • It uses the N/A debt class because the credit and collections process should never consider debt associated with service agreements of this type (because it's not really debt).