Non-Billed Budget - History

The Financial History page displays the Non-Billed Budget's historical financial transactions. Open Menu > Customer Information > Non-Billed Budget > Search and navigate to the History page to view this information.

Description of Page

Non-Billed Budget SA (service agreement) information and SA ID are displayed on each page. These values only appear after the service agreement exists on the database. The SA ID is a system assigned random number that stays with a service agreement for life. The Non-Billed Budget SA information is a concatenation of important details about the service agreement and its account.

The Account ID identifies who is financially responsible for the service agreement.

The grid shows the Non-Billed Budget's financial history in reverse chronological order, including:

  • The Arrears Date is used to compute how many days old the debt is. For monitored Non-Billed Budgets, debt refers to the scheduled payment amounts (i.e., the customer only owes the scheduled payment amounts up to the most recent scheduled payment date). The arrears date for a schedule payment is the scheduled payment date.
  • Financial Transaction Type displays the type of financial transaction except for adjustments. For adjustments, the adjustment type's description is shown.
  • Current Amount is the effect of the FT on the service agreement's current balance.
  • Current Balance is the amount owed by the customer at the time of the transaction.