Designing Labels

The system supports the rendering of a report in the language of the user. In order to support a report in multiple languages, the verbiage used in the report must be defined in a table that supports multiple languages. Some examples of verbiage in a report include the title, the labels and column headings and text such as "End of Report".

The system uses the field table to define its labels.

Note: Report Definition. This section assumes that your new report in the reporting tool has followed the standard followed in the sample reports and uses references to field names for all verbiage rather than hard-coding text in a single language.

For each label or other type of verbiage used by your report, define a field to store the text used for the verbiage.

  • Navigate to the field page using Admin > System > Field.
  • Enter a unique Field Name. This must correspond to the field name used in your report definition in the reporting tool and it must be prefixed with CM.
  • Define the Owner as Customer Modification.
  • Define the Data Type as Character.
  • Precision is a required field, but is not applicable for your report fields. Enter any value here.
  • Use the Description to define the text that should appear on the report.
  • Check the Work Field switch. This indicates to the system that the field does not represent a field in the database.

Update the report definition to define the fields applicable for this report in the Labels tab.

If your installation supports multiple languages, you must define the description applicable for each supported language.