Running Test Flows
This section focuses on executing a test flow.
Running Test Flows Using a Browser
To run a test flow using a browser:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
2. On the Flows menu, select the product to which the flow belongs. Right-click the test flow and select Run Flow.
Note: The test flow can be run only if it is in either “Pending Approval” or “Approved” state.
3. Select the Flow Configuration and User Configuration to be used to run the test flow.
4. Click Run to start the test flow run.
Note: For more details about flow configuration and user configuration, refer to the Runtime Configuration for Flow Run (For Run Using Browser) section.
5. On the Flow Run page, the run details are displayed.

The tree shows each of the scenarios and components of the flow. Select a component in the tree to display the corresponding request and response details. Click View Logs to view the logs of the run.
Iterative Flow Run
To run a test flow using a browser:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
2. On the Flows menu, select the product to which the flow belongs.
3. Right-click the test flow and select Run Flow.
Note: The test flow can be executed only if it is either in “Pending Approval” or “Approved” state.
4. Select the Flow Configuration and User Configuration used to run the test flow.
5. Select Iterative as the Flow Run Type.
6. In the Number of Iterations field, specify the number of iterations to run the flow.
7. If the flow has more than one flow test data set, specify more than one flow test data set to be used during the iterative run. Select the checkbox next to the flow test data set name.
Note: Based on the number of iterations and flow test data sets specified, application will use test data sets for each of the iterations.
Example: If number of iterations is specified as 10 and two flow test data sets are selected, the application runs the flow with first data set for first iteration and second data set for second iteration, and switch back to first data set for 3rd iteration and so on. At the end of 10 flow iterations, there would be total of 5 runs of the flows with first data set and 5 run of the flow with second data set.
8. Click Run to start the test flow run.
Note: For more details about flow configuration and user configuration, see Runtime Configuration for Flow Run (For Run Using Browser).
The run details are displayed on the Flow Run page.
The tree shows each of the scenarios and components of the flow. Select a component in the tree to display the corresponding request and response details. Click View Logs to view the run logs.
Stopping Flow Run on Validation Failure
By default, the flow run continues until the last component in the flow even if there is a validation failure for a component in the flow. This behavior can be changed to make the flow run stop when a validation fails by setting the property “continueExecutionOnFailure” in the user or flow configuration to “false”.
Stopping Flow Run Manually
When a flow starts running, the Stop Flow button is enabled in the Flow Run page.
To stop a running flow, on the Flow Run page showing the current running state of a flow, click Stop Flow. The flow run will be stopped.
Note that for flows including subroutines, the parent flow that calls the subroutines should be stopped to stop the flow run. Individual subroutine flow runs cannot be stopped. A stopped flow cannot be resumed.
Viewing Flow Run Details
To view the run details of a flow:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
2. Navigate to the Flow menu.
3. On the left pane, navigate and right-click the flow to view the run summary. Click View Run History.
4. Click the flow run entries to view the respective details of that run.
5. Click the info icon next to the failed component step in the flow run. The following error is displayed along with a list of possible reasons leading to the error.
Viewing Flow Run Failure Details
If a flow run fails, the possible reasons for failure can be viewed. Click the Info icon next to the failed component step in the Flow Run Status tree structure.
To view the failure details for a flow run:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
2. Navigate to the Flow menu.
3. On the left pane, navigate to the flow and right-click it to view the run summary. Click View Run History.
4. Click the flow run entries to view the respective details of that run.
5. Click the Info icon next to the failed component step in the flow run. The error is displayed along with a list of possible reasons leading to the error.
Viewing Flow Run Summary Report
To view the run summary of a flow:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
2. Navigate to the Flow menu.
3. On the left pane, navigate and right-click the flow to view the run summary.
4. Click View Run History.
5. Click any of the flow run entries to view the respective details.
6. On the Flow Run Status page, click Summary.
7. On the Flow Run Summary Report page, click Summary. The summary of the flow run is displayed, including total scenarios passed/failed, percentage of pass/fail, etc. You can also drill down individual scenarios and check more details.
The flow run summary can be sent via email. Specify the email address in the Summary Report page and click Email.
Conversational Test Data Management
As an alternative to the Edit Test Data GUI, test data can also be provided in XML format through the conversational Test Data Entry page. Before accessing this GUI, the component's test data needs to be populated by providing the web service name and the transaction type.
To navigate to the Conversational Test Data GUI, right-click the component in the flow tree structure (in flow development screen) and select Edit Request.
Note: This feature is only supported for web service components.
The Edit Request feature allows to:
1. Open the failed request of a component.
2. Make changes to the test data and resend the request to edge application (without running the flow multiple times).
3. Observe the response for the modified request.
4. Save the modified request as test data for the flow’s component step.
Repeat the above steps until the test data for the successful request is identified.
The Edit Request feature can be accessed from the flow structure screen/flow run interface (including from flow run history, flow set run/history, iterative run/history). User can invoke the Edit Request user interface. Right-click a component from the flow run status tree and selecting the Edit Request option.
After selecting the Edit Request option from the right-click menu, a new window is displayed and prompts to select the configuration sets to be used. Modify the request by either changing test data value of one or more elements, adding/deleting new elements in the request and click Send to send the request to the application being tested and observe the response. Continue to make modifications until the desired response is received from the edge application.
The user has below options to manage request content better:
Repopulate all schema elements. Click Refresh Schema. This helps in resetting fields that are required to make a successful request that were not present/left out in the previous/original request.
Click Settings to allow the user to control some header level information that is sent as part of the request, including username token, timestamp and whether the request should include any schema elements that do not have any test data filled in.
Choose to save the test data of the request to a flow test data set. Click Save to select the flow test data set to which the test data needs to be saved to in the dialog box.
Note: While saving the test data in the request XML in to the component step's test data, only static test data values defined in the component are replaced. The variables defined in the component's test data are not replaced with the test data in the XML request.
Generating Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Scripts
Note that this section is applicable only for flows containing GUI based components. It is recommended to use the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator browser based flow execution feature in all other cases.
To generate Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator scripts for a flow:
1. Login to the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator application.
2. On the flow tree page, right-click a flow and select Generate Scripts.
Note that the Generate Scripts option is available only for those flows in “Approved” state.
A zip file containing the generated flow is downloaded by the browser.
The Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator scripts generated for the test flow have the following structure:
Databank folder - The databanks (text files with comma separated values (.csv)) for the flow that was downloaded. Each component in the flow has a corresponding databank(s) file generated that contains the test data.
src folder - The generated script files for the flow.
Importing the Generated Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Script into Eclipse IDE
Note that this section is applicable only for flows containing GUI based components. It is recommended to use the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator browser based flow run feature in all other cases.
To import the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator scripts into Eclipse IDE:
1. Launch the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers that has the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Eclipse plugin installed.
2. In the Eclipse IDE, right-click the Project Explorer panel and click Import.
3. Click General and select Existing Projects into Workspace.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Select archive file: and click Browse.
6. Navigate to the downloaded zip file and click Open.
7. Click Finish.
You can now view the project in the Project Explorer panel.
8. Right-click the masterdrive and click Run.
Important: Before running GUI component based flows, make sure to download the ChromeDriver v2.40/geckodriver v0.20.1 and copy it into the 'drivers' folder mentioned in the Creating Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Client Runtime Folder Structure section in Appendix 3: Developing Metadata Driven Web Service Based Test Automation.
Download the drivers from the following URLs:
While executing the Sentinel script, if a failure occurs at any point, it is possible to resume run from the point of failure by setting the runFromLastPointOfError flag to “true” in the script.