Defining Program Calculation Rules
You use the Program Calculation Rule portal to display and maintain program calculation rules.
You can access the portal by selecting Admin, Digital Asset Management, Program Calculation Rule. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching. Once your record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Program Calculation Rule: This zone displays the program calculation rule, including parameters used when executing the rule.
Score Calculation Program Calculation Rules
The following is a list of the control score calculation program calculation rules provided as part of base product. For more information on how each rule executes and can be configured, follow the link provided on the rule.
Program Calculation Rule Name
This rule is used to calculate control scores for controllable devices based on parameters and values defined in a the device's program rules. This rule uses pre-defined variables and base package algorithms to derive values from the program's rules. Multiple instances of this rule can be chained in a sequence within a program calculation group such that the first rule (or rules) sets values for a number of variables that are then used in calculations in subsequent rules.
The Program Variables (X1-ProgramVariablesLookup) extendable lookup includes a number of pre-defined and standard variables that can be used in program calculation rules. The table below lists the variables provided with the base package.
Activation Cost (AC)
Availability (AV)
Burn Rate (BR)
Burn Rate Factor (BRn)
Successful Event Participation Limit (CA)
Successful Event Participation Count (CU)
Days Elapsed Since Last Event Participation (DE)
Days in a Cycle (DP)
Score (SC)
Score Factor (SNn)
The following variables are used to populate specific values on controllable assets:
Score (SC): When Program Calculation Rules return a value for this variable (defined as the Result Variable on the rule), the score is saved to the controllable asset (along with the date and time at which the score was calculated).
Availability (AV): If Program Calculation Rules return a value of 0 for this variable, the Asset Availability flag on the controllable asset is set to "No". If Program Calculation Rules return a non-zero value for this variable or the rule doesn't return a value for this variable, the Asset Availability flag on the controllable asset is set to "Yes".
Program calculation rules can leverage base package algorithms to derive values from programs and program rules for use in calculations. Each of these is typically paired with a pre-defined variable (see Variables, above). The table below lists the base package algorithms and associated variables.
Associated Variable
Activation Cost (X1-GETAC)
Burn Rate Factor (X1-GETBRF)
Days in a Cycle (X1-GETDCP)
Days Elapsed Since Last Event Participation (X1-GETDE)
Successful Event Participation Limit (X1-GETEPA)
Successful Event Participation Count (X1-GETEPC)
Score Factor (X1-GETSF)