Configuring the Customer Program Summary Portal

This topic describes the process for configuring the Customer Program Summary portal.

Refer to the Using the Customer Program Summary Portal section of the Business User Guide for more information on this functionality.

The zones on the Customer Program Summary portal leverage a number of insight types and insight groups. Insight types and insight classes are provided with the base package, but you must create insight groups that contain specific insight types in order for these zones to display the correct information.

The table below lists the zones in the Customer Program Summary portal, along with details regarding the insight group that must be created for each zone, including the insight class, the visible structure, and the insight type to be included in the insight group.

Zone Insight Group Insight Class Valid Visual Structures Insight Type
Current Enrollment Current Enrollment DACS Program Enrollment Card Insight DACS Current Program Enrollment (X1-DACSCURPE)
Customer Insights DACS Customer Insights DACS Customer Insights Card Insight DACS In Progress Service Tasks (X1-DACSINPRGSVCTASKS)
Customer Program Activity DACS Customer Event Participation DACS Customer Participation Inline Insight Customer Event Participation (X1-DACSCSPRT)
Eligible Programs Eligible Programs DACS Eligible Programs Card Insight DACS Eligible Programs (X1-DACSELPGM)

Refer to Contextual Insights, Insight Groups, and Defining Insight Groups for more information about configuring insight groups.